Londyn is 4 Months!

Ruffle top via Chicwish (also love this one) | Jeans | Sandals |Bag | Sunnies | Bracelets | Watch | Londyn’s Outfit | Londyn’s Mocs

Happy Saturday! My little Londyn Grace is 4 months old today. Where did the time go?! It’s really so sad because I know how fast these days go, so I’m trying to enjoy every last minute. This girl is the sweetest little girl around. She smiles at everyone and anything. Everywhere we go she will give everyone the biggest smile, it’s so dang cute. She hit 13 pounds yay, haha. She is so tiny and little but as strong as ever. Anyone that holds her always makes a comment about how strong she is for being under 4 month old. She rolled for the first time, 3 times in a row the other day but hasn’t since, haha. Hopefully soon she will start rolling again- it was so random. She loves her brother and sister! She will always give them the cutest laugh when they play with her.  She hates tummy time (so did all of my kids). She loves to be by her mama or dad all the time, and wants mama to hold her all day (some days I don’t get anything done).  She is starting to sleep better at nights, but we still has some work to do.  She has been a super easy baby so far, and loves to fall asleep in her car seat. She loves bath time and loves to kick like crazy the whole time. Every morning when she wakes up she has the biggest smile and big eyes and it brightens out day! We love this girl and so blessed she is ours! Happy 4 months Londyn!

Ps. This top from Chicwish is the best top for after you have a baby. I love the ruffle detail, and the color is perfect for the summer! Also loving a lot of tops from Chicwish right now, make sure to check them out! Also these jeans guys are worth every penny, love them! Thanks for reading! xx,



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