My 3 Most Asked Questions!

Kimono | White Tee | High Waisted Jeans | Heels | Sunnies | Bracelets | Watch | Handbag

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! I feel like since I have had 3 kids, I can’t keep up with life, haha. Please tell me it’s not just me. 3 kids has been kicking our butts. We just can’t get to everything like we used too. One thing that I have been lagging on is getting back to all of your emails (I’m sorry). I promise I will be getting back at that hopefully soon. So I decided to answer them on here since I have been asked these questions a lot lately! I thought it would be much easier to answer them on here since I have been asked these questions a lot lately! Here are the 3 most asked questions I have been asked lately.

1. What mini van did you end up getting, and how do you like it? First off so sorry I spaced to mentioned that in this post talking about why we got a van, etc. We got the new Honda Odyssey in white, and  I have to admit I am LOVING it so far. It’s been so nice with our road trips that we have gone on lately + we have tons of room. I could even fit my sister and my niece when they came to visit us a few weeks ago, and had plenty of room. Also the gliding doors are a life saver in my book. For sure look into one if you are a mom of 3+.

2. How do you juggle working with 3 kids and a new baby? Well, I don’t-lol. I just take one day at a time, and I’m not going to lie 3 kids has been so much fun but so crazy!! I feel like my work has been on the back burner a lot lately. I used to blog at night and  now with the babe I’m so tired at night I just can’t even think about work. So a lot of posts have been going up random in the day! I am hoping I get on a better schedule here soon since Londyn is getting bigger! Oh and photo shoots with 3 kids is quite interesting. One day I will have a post up all about behind the scenes, haha- it’s quite funny!

3. Do you have Hair Extensions and how do you curl your hair? The answer is yes on the hair extensions. I use Laced hair extensions (the best). I have about 10 keratin fusion strands on the sides of my hair. So just a little for thickness around the face. I do my own since I have been doing them for years, and still take clients here and there- I do a few hair ext clients a month. Hair ext turn hair into Hollywood hair. I am putting together a post soon, so what are some things you want to know about hair ext? Also I have a hair tutorial here on exactly how I curl my hair! 

Thanks for reading! xx,


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