3 Things I Never Thought I Would Do Before Kids + Nordstrom Giveaway!

Jacket | Top | Pants (under $20)| Shoes | Hat | Sunnies | Bag | Stroller | Carseat

Hey guys! I hope you all had a great Father’s Day weekend! I posted this outfit on Instagram a few days ago and had a lot of questions on it, so I thought I would post it here for you! The other day I was talking with another mother about all the things we thought we would never do before we were mothers. Once we became mothers how things have changed. The things you thought you would never do, you somehow do, haha. So I thought I would share three things I absolutely thought I would NEVER in my lifetime be doing, and then I became a mother and here I am doing exactly these three things! Here they are,

  1. Become a soccer/van mom. Yep you heard that right, I’m a van mom! Officially a couple months ago. If you followed my Instagram stories you know that we were looking for a car to fit two car seats and a booster seat! And it was not easy! We looked all over and test drove tons of cars, and tried everything in our power to not get a van. But it made the most sense for us at this time in our lives, and had the most room! And to be honest some of the coolest moms I know drive vans, so I figured I could give it a try! Also everyone I’ve talked to says they never regret getting a van. We have had the van for 2 1/2 months now and I have loved it so far! It’s brand-new and has all the bells and whistle’s which is so nice. And not to mention so convenient and tons of room! So far I’m glad I got one, but honestly never thought I would EVER get a van!
  2. Become a homebody. I have always been a social butterfly, love to be the life of the party, and go to everything! My husband is the opposite, so we definitely balance each other out! As I’ve gotten older I have turned more into him haha. I would much rather stay home with my little family, and just hang out at home then go out. I never thought I would be like that.
  3. Nurse my kids till they are two. I know I’m one of those moms, haha. I never thought I would nurse both of my kids till they were that old. I thought I would stop when they turned one, but they both loved it so I kept going. After they turned one it was only morning and night kind of thing. So yes I’m a hippie nurser, is that even a word? I never thought I would be one haha. We will see how long I nurse with #3!

    It’s funny the things we do, and how we change when we become moms! Not saying it’s a bad thing, it’s actually a good thing but it’s fun to think and talk about the things we never thought we’d ever do! I would love to hear some things you never thought you would ever do before you became a mother? It’s always fun to hear what other Mother’s say! I hope you all have have a great Monday! And make sure to check out the awesome giveaway below! XX,

2017 Nordstrom Anniversary Sale

Now…it’s time for a fabulous giveaway!
I’ve teamed up with an amazing group of bloggers
to give YOU a chance to win:
a $1,000 Nordstrom Gift Card, just in time for the Anniversary Sale!

Simply enter below by completing the rafflecopter.
You’ll receive one entry per completion.
This giveaway is open internationally and runs until 7/3.
Winner will be announced here. Good Luck!

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