5 Tips To Help Get Pre Baby Body Back Faster!

5 Tips To Help Get Pre Baby Body Back Faster by popular San Diego mom blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress

Top | Jeans | Belly Bandit (love this one too)

5 Tips To Help Get Pre Baby Body Back Faster by popular San Diego mom blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress

Tee | Jacket | Leggings (also love these ones) | Sneakers | Sunnies


Hey guys! Happy Tuesday! Wow, I can’t believe it’s already June! I feel like May just came and went! My little Londyn will be 10 weeks on Thursday and it makes me so sad how fast she is growing up! I have been meaning to share this pre baby body post for awhile now and I’m finally just getting around to it (3 kids is kicking my butt-haha). Since having three kids I feel like I have figured out some tricks and tips on how to bounce back much faster after having a baby and get my pre baby body back! Anyone that has had a baby knows it always takes time to get back to normal. The hardest part is right after you have the baby and your stomach feels like a water bed, and you just feel like living in your sweats the rest of your life, haha. Or maybe it’s just me?! Sometimes you just don’t know where to start. With each kid I have bounced back faster and I think it’s because I have figured out some great tips and tricks that have worked wonders for me that I do right after I have the baby. Here are 5 tips to have my pre baby body back that I swear by.

  1. The picture above I am wearing the Belly Bandit. This is a major must-have right after having a baby. It helps get everything back in place and also shrink your stomach faster then normal. I wear it right after I get out of the hospital till about 2 months after baby comes. I wear it all day, night, and even under my clothes. Make sure to wrap it as tight as you can around your stomach. It might not be the most comfortable but you will see major results!
  2. Drink TONS of water. I know you hear this all the time but it’s the best thing for your body. This helps with breast-feeding, not over eating, and just staying on track for healthy eating. I love carrying around a bottle like this one so that it keeps my water cold. Make sure to drink at least 8 cups of water a day!
  3. Get in your jeans asap. Even if they are your maternity jeans still. The tighter the better. This helps remind me to keep my core in, and help with remembering to eat healthy! Let’s be honest it’s easier to eat unhealthy when you have big baggy sweats on. Well at least for me. So put those jeans on and every time you go to eat something bad remember how tight they feel and how you want them to fit better like that use too. It helps I promise.
  4. Figure out a healthy meal plan right after you have the baby. Don’t wait to do this till you can work out at 6 weeks. Start it as soon as the baby comes. Just make sure to be eating enough calories if you are breast feeding. I add 300 more calories to my meal plan. I have really focused on this more this time around then I have after having my other babies. I really have seen a huge difference because of it. Eating healthy is a huge part of weight loss. So why not get a head start and eat healthy before you can return back to the gym.
  5. Find pants/jeans that keep your core in and tight. For example I love these Belly Bandit leggings that I’m wearing above, also these high waisted jeans I’m wearing here. It keeps everything in and helps remind me to always keep my core in and tight + they make you look slimmer (which is a bonus)!

I have also had a lot of questions on what to wear after having a baby! So I will have a post up soon going into more details on what to wear, etc. Also I started a work out + meal plan from my blogger friend Sara, from Love By Lynn. I will be sharing details here soon, and the results I have seen so far. I am excited to talk all about it with you all. I hope this helps getting your pre baby body back and I would love your feedback! And if you have anymore tips you like to share? I love hearing advice from you mamas! Thanks so much for reading! xx,


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