Why Londyn Was In The Hospital

Hey guys! I hope you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day. Mine was a little interesting this year. If you follow along on my insta stories you will know I was in the hospital with our little Londyn. We actually just got home yesterday and so happy to be back with our little family. And even happier that Londyn is doing much better. I had a lot of people ask me what was going on so I thought it would be easier so explain on a blog post. So friday morning I was changing her bum and noticed a bump on her rectum area. I haven’t noticed anything like that on her before, so I was shocked to see it. She was screaming and I could tell she was in a lot of pain. I called the doctor and immediately got her an appt. The doctor looked at it and said it looked infected and said take her to the ER right away. Because she is only 6 weeks and so little they didn’t want to risk anything. We got to the ER and the bump popped and there was tons of puss coming out. They could tell it was starting to spread and it was really red all around that area. They then admitted us to the hospital, from there they started her on an IV antibiotic, blood work, etc. The poor thing, because of the bump/abscess she was in so much pain every time she went to the bathroom. It was so heart breaking to watch. I can’t imagine the pain she was going through, it broke my heart. It was pretty rough on friday but by Saturday the infection was already going down and she was feeling better. By Sunday morning the infection was almost gone and she seemed SO much better. All of her tests came back normal and they diagnosed her with anal abscess/fissure. I guess this is common in kids and babies. Normally it can be treated at home with an oral antibiotic. But we had to treat hers with an IV antibiotic because she was so little. They sent us home Sunday with an oral antibiotic and hoping she will continue to heal. So far so good (knock on wood). There is no rhyme or reason why she got this, I guess it just happens sometimes. I believe so much in the power of prayer. Me, Casey, and our families didn’t stop praying for her and her recovery. I know that is the reason why she is healing so fast. Thank you to all that reached out and for your kind words and prayers. It means a lot. We felt all of your prayers and are so grateful for all of you.  It could of been much worse, so we are so happy and blessed it didn’t get to that and she is doing much better! Thank you again. Love you all! Happy Monday! xx,


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