Part 1: When and Why I Started Blogging + 5 Tips I Wish I Would Have Known!

Floral Dress (also love this one) | Sandals | Handbag | Sunnies | Bracelet

Happy Monday! I am going to start a series that talks all about blogging and my most frequently asked questions I get about blogging! I am going to split it up into a few different posts because there is so much I want to share! One question I get asked a lot is what made me want to start a blog and how I got started?! Over 4 years ago we were living in St George, Utah at the time and Rowen was 2 years old. I was working everyday-all day in a salon doing hair and lashes for years. I have always had a passion for fashion, shopping, putting outfits together, etc. I would always get asked where I got my outfits from and I loved to style all my family and friends. My friend and client Cara aka Maskcara (I am sure you guys have heard of her), started her beauty blog and I loved it and always asked her about it.  At the time there wasn’t a lot of bloggers like there is now, and Instagram was just starting to become a thing. It seemed so fun so I decided to start a blog and talk about all my favorite fashion trends, etc. It was a great outlet and break for me from doing hair all day long! I hadn’t used a computer for years and learning how to post was a big learning curve for me at first. At the time I was working 40+ hours a week doing hair and being a mother, so I didn’t have a lot of time to post.  So I would only post once a week, if that. I didn’t take it that serious at the time, and honestly had no clue that you could even make any money blogging. I honestly started it just for a fun outlet for me other than dong hair and lashes all day, and my love for fashion. I never in a million years thought it could become a business. 6 months after Casey got a promotion for his job and we moved to Phoenix, Arizona. We were excited about this, but sad to leave our family, friends, and all my clients I had for many years. They all became family to me. So moving was hard for us.  Moving to Phoenix was hard adjusting from working everyday to nothing. I was planning on finding a salon to work at there, but I got pregnant with Lettie right after we moved and was so sick.  So I decided to focus more on the blog and start posting more often. At this time I started to get more readers and more followers on all my social media accounts, and people were reaching out to me to send me free stuff. I was so excited about this because I didn’t even know this was a thing, to get free stuff! It got me motivated to start posting more than once a week. I starting finding photographers to work with and that’s when I really started blogging. After a year living in Phoenix, Casey got promoted again but this time to the San Francisco Bay area. This place was so foreign to us. We had never been here, and had no family or friends that lived out here. And not to mention sticker shocked because the prices here to live are CRAZY. Now it’s the most expensive place to live in the US (yikes), but we love it here. Moving here 3 years ago I feel like it was a big stepping stone of when I starting really seeing my blog grow and turn into a business. I started getting to know more bloggers and find more out about the blogging world. I started to really focus on blogging more and take it more serious. I decided to put more work and time into this blog. Many nights up till 3 am and no sleep. From connecting with bloggers, attending events in the city, and a lot of work, I started really seeing this blog of mine turn into a business and decided to take it more serious. My first time in NYFW a couple of years ago was something I have always wanted to do, so it was so fun going and achieving a lifetime goal of mine. I now blog full time!! I still take hair extension clients but the last year had to let go of all my hair and lash clients. I never thought I would get to this point and finally saw my hard work pay off. It’s been so nice being able to work from my home with my kids and do what I love. Don’t get me wrong it’s a lot of work and isn’t always easy juggling everything, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything else. I went into blogging with hardly any help so I had no clue what I was doing at first. Here are a few tips that I wish I would have known when I first started blogging.

1. Don’t ever give up. What you put into something you will get in return.
2. Network and get to know bloggers and the industry as much as you can. I wish I would have done this from the start! We are in this together, there is no need for competition. The more you help others the more you get in return.
3. Reach out to as many brands/companies as you can from the start. Even if you are small. If they turn you down don’t take it to heart. Just use it to motivate you more.
4. Write down your goals and do what you can to achieve them.
5. Know that it can take time and work to see results. It won’t happen over night but consistent hard work always pay off.

I will be posting more about blogging but would love to know more of what you want to hear? Comment below and I will answer them on my next post! Thanks so much for reading, you guys are the best! xx,


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