Londyn’s Newborn Pictures + A Little Family Update!

I have been SO excited to share these pictures! We got them taken a few weeks ago when Londyn was a week old. I love the way they have turned out (aside from my dress). Funny story- I needed a blush dress and for some reason I had the hardest time finding one. So I finally found this one I’m wearing. The problem is I didn’t try it on until 10 minutes before we had to leave for pictures (not a good idea), and that’s when I noticed the slits in the shoulder.  🙁 Not saying they aren’t cute, but not what I wanted to wear for these pictures. Note to self, don’t last minute shop for a dress online, and make sure to try it on way before you take pictures!  haha! Good thing the rest of my family looks SO cute! My heart it so full and I feel so blessed that we are a forever family. Jessica Kay did such an amazing job capturing these photos, and I love the flowers done by Laura Floras. I will forever cherish these. Check them out and my thoughts on being a family of 5!

My Blush Pink Dress (sold out, similar) | Flowers by Lauras Floras | Photos by Jessica Kay

Aren’t they so precious!? I love how they turned out (aside from my dress haha). We love and can’t get enough of our little Londyn Grace. She has brought so much love and happiness to our home and we are so glad she is here! She is such a sweet little thing, and so cute and tiny. She loves Rowen and Lettie and loves to be held by mama all day long. I have had a lot of people ask me how life is with 3 kids so far. I think because everyone knew how worried I have been becoming a mama of 3. I posted about it here. Honestly things have been going really good, I am not going to lie it’s definitely been a lot more busier having a newborn and just trying to juggle all three kids, but so worth it. I think so far adjusting to one and two kids was harder then three for me. Maybe because I am use to no sleep and already busy with kids that it has made it easier!? I will have to tell you though the no sleep is not easy, I am use to not getting a lot of sleep but there is nothing quite like sleep depravation from having a newborn. You forget about the eye aches you get, and how you feel like a literal air head haha. I know you mothers know what I am talking about. It’s crazy! Also when Londyn was first born the first few days were a little hard for Lettie to adjust too. Rowen was fine with it since day one, but Lettie was a little jealous of the attention going to the baby and not all on her. I know this is normal and it happened to Rowen when I had Lettie, but it’s never easy to go through. She had a lot of tantrums and acting out for that first week. But she has been doing a lot better lately (thank goodness). Let’s hope it stays that way. Aside from that everything is going great and we feel complete with her here! Thank you all for your kind words and well wishes. I read all of your sweet comments and it means so much! Happy Tuesday Friends! xx,


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