Birthday Interview With Rowen: 6 Years Old

Our handsome little dude is 6 today! I know every mother says this but, I can’t believe my baby is 6 now, where has the time gone?! This day 6 years ago forever changed my life and I became a mother! It was one of the best days of my life! He is such a happy little guy and loves life! We are so blessed to have him in our family. He is the best big brother and always takes care of his little sisters, and makes sure they are always ok. It’s really cute how he always wants to protect them! He has been counting down the days for a month now until his birthday. He has been so excited for this day to come! That’s why I always want to make it extra special for him. We made easter egg cupcakes (found it on Pinterest here) for his class today. He woke up to presents and his room decorated. We are having a little birthday party for him with a few friends tomorrow. I wanted to do a big party for him this year, but with the babe coming a couple weeks ago it’s been hard to do all! So we are going to keep it low key this year. I have found some cute pictures of him from the last year that I love and wanted to share. I also thought it would be fun to do a little interview with him about his favorite things. Find out what he said. Kids say the funnest things btw haha. Also check out my posts of him when he was little here and here.

Rowen’s 6 year Old interview: (my thoughts in Italics)

How old are you? 6 Years Old

What makes you happy? Play with my friends

What is your favorite toy? Cars

What is your favorite stuffed animal? My Steph Curry Build a Bear that I got from Grandpa and Grandma Springer.

What is your favorite real animal? A Whale

What is your favorite thing to sleep with? Basketball Blanket that Grandma DeMille gave me.

What is your favorite color? Red

What is your favorite fruit? Strawberries and Raspberries

What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Toast

What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? PB & Jelly sandwich

What do you want to eat for your birthday dinner? Chic- Fil- A, chicken nuggets and Fries (his choice)

What is your favorite drink? Lemonade

What is your favorite dessert? Ice Cream- Vanilla & Chocolate

What is a food that makes you want to puke? Pepperoni Pizza- because it’s so spicy (this is news to me, I thought he liked it)

What is your favorite thing to do? Play basketball in the backyard

What is your favorite TV show? Team Umzoomi, and Bubble Guppies.

What is your favorite movie? Sing

What are you really good at? Soccer, Baseball, Football & Basketball

What is your favorite song? Mom’s music (he doesn’t know the names but just top hits, pop music that I listen too, haha)

Who is the Coolest Person on Earth? Dad and Mom (wait till he is a teenager, it will change. I swear I didn’t pay him to say it haha)

What do you and your mom do together? Play and Shop

What do you and your dad do together? Play baseball, soccer, and basketball outside.

When you were little, what did you do? Live in Phoenix

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? The forest with mom and dad.

What do you think your parents are too strict about? What does that mean? haha

Who is your best friend? Mathew, Casey and Benij

What are some of your favorite things to say? Thank You

What is your favorite thing to do outside? Sports (he takes after his dad)

What is your favorite book? The scriptures (haha I am shocked by this one)

What do you want to be when you grow up? Basketball Player.

This is a fun thing to do for your kids every year! So blessed to have this little guy in our lives! We love you Rowen! Happy Birthday! Thanks for reading! xx,


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