Real Talk…My Fears of Becoming a Mother of 3

Black Dress (wearing an xsmall (runs big), have this dress in blush pink also) | Jacket (also love this one) | Sneakers | Hat | Choker | Stroller

Ok, real talk ladies. I love being a mom more than anything, especially a mom of these two cute kiddos. They bring so much happiness to me that I never thought was possible. Every day I feel so blessed they are mine (although I might briefly question that on their crazy days). I know I’m going to feel the same with this new addition coming here soon. But I have to be honest, I am a little nervous about adding another one to the mix. These two keep us SO busy that I wonder how I’m going to do it all. I wonder how I can make sure they get my full attention, and then still work on top of that. If it wasn’t for Casey being such a great help with these two, I honestly couldn’t do it. In the next 3 weeks we will have another one and that makes me SO excited and frightened at the same time, haha. How can I make all three of these kiddos of mine happy ?! How can I give them all the attention they need? All this goes through my mind. When I had Rowen and became a mother for first time, it was one of the best days of my life. Nothing has brought me more true happiness than being a mother. But at the same time it was one of the hardest times. Adjusting to mom life was not easy for me at the first. Getting no sleep and taking my little guy everywhere took a lot of getting use to. Then having two kids and learning how to juggle both of them was another adjustment, but hey, we survived and I love having these two kids. We have so much fun together. Now I wonder what I did when I only had one, haha. I take them everywhere with me. Sometimes it can be a little crazy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way! Also I think if my amazing mom and mother-in-law can have 7 and 6 kids, I can do 3, right? So bring on the adventure of 3 kids! I can’t wait for more craziness. I know it will be a big adjustment, just like with my other two, but eventually three will become the new norm and I’ll wonder what I did when I only had the two, haha. Oh and you mamas, I would love any advice I can get :).

Thanks for reading! Love you all! xx,


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