35 Week Update

35 Weeks, Maternity Fashion

35 Weeks, Maternity Fashion

35 Weeks, Maternity Fashion

Dress (love this, almost sold out) | Denim Jacket (also love this one) | Sandals (everyone needs these) | Sunnies | Bag | Watch | Bracelet | Ring

What?! I am already 35 weeks?!  The count down is on. I can’t believe she is going to be here so soon. We can’t wait!! My kids talk about baby sister daily, and how they can’t wait to play with her. I try to let Lettie know that she will be sleeping a lot and can’t play as much as she wants as first. I don’t think she really understands, so I hope she isn’t too sad if baby sister just eats, sleeps and poops all day long, haha.  She was eating cereal the other day and drinking her milk from the bowl and she said ” I’m drinking milk just like baby sister will” haha. It was so cute. I am so excited for her to have a sister. I have 4 sister and I couldn’t imagine life without them. I hope they are BFF’s. Rowen is really excited and keeps telling me what a big belly I have haha.

Here’s the latest-

1. I feel SO much better the last 4 weeks then I have my whole pregnancy. Yes I feel huge and it’s not as easy to move these days, but I would take that over being nausea any day! So the nausea, for the most part has gone away (yay).

2. I have to pee like 50 times a day and nigh!  So I don’t sleep these days haha.

3. We still have no clue what we are going to name her. We have one name we like but still not 100% sold on it yet. Any thoughts? We need help!!

4.  I had Rowen at 37 weeks and I had a vaginal delivery with an epidural.  Lettie I had her at 39 weeks and she was breeched so I had a c-section. I really didn’t want one but had no choice. This one we are trying to do a v-back (vaginal delivery), but I have no clue how it will go. I am hoping good so I won’t need another c- section. But as long as she gets here safe and sound that’s all I really care about. If I don’t have her by 39 weeks they will start me by then.  AHHH so that means baby will be here no later then 4 weeks. SO crazy!

5. I have been SO hungry all day and night long. I feel like I am constantly snacking. Thank goodness I’m on this healthy kick the past month or so where all I want is veggies, salads, and fruit. I am happy about this because the 5 months before that it was whatever I could keep down (so a lot of carbs). And I still don’t crave sweets like I do when I am not pregnant (so weird).

6. I have been in this crazy nesting mood. My sister came in town last week and we went through every cupboard and closet and organized the heck out of them. It was so nice getting rid of all the junk, and I loved having my sister here for a week. She helped me SO much!

That pretty much sums up the last couple of months. I can’t believe I’m on the home stretch. We can’t wait until our little angel is here. I am starting to work on the nursery and Lettie’s room. So stay tuned for the reveal. I can’t wait to share what we are doing, and who we are teaming up with. It’s super exciting!! Happy Wednesday friends! xx,


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