Our Family Vacation + My Must Have Travel Gear

Mahalo from HAWAII!!! We are on our last vaca before baby girl comes. We got in late yesterday and are still feeling a little jet lag. Traveling with two kids is always a little exhausting, but they were major troopers and did great on the flight.  This trip is special to me for a couple of reasons. One, I am here with my whole family! My sister just got home from her LDS mission a few weeks ago so it’s so fun to have us together again! I haven’t seen her 18+ months and I have missed her like crazy! I am the oldest of 7 kids so it’s always a party when we get together! Number two, I used to live here when I was 21 and it was a blast. I have so many fun memories from when I lived here and from going on vacation here when I was younger. I used to come here all the time but I haven’t been here in over 10 years now, so I am excited to do all my favorite things that I love to do on this island. And Casey and my kids have never been here so that makes it even more fun.

Living here was too much fun. I did hair out here and danced at the Polynesian Cultural Center as a hula dancer. I loved dancing and working at such a beautiful place. I remember eating pineapple everyday for lunch. One day after eating way too much, I had like 10 canker sores in my mouth. That ended my pineapple for lunch streak, haha. My friend Tia and I danced every day and loved to go to the beach to run or swim. It really was the life; we had no worries in the world. It seemed like the craziest things happened to me while I lived here, and they make me lol all the time. Read my most embarrassing moment here (if you haven’t read it, you need too, it’s a good one).

Another one of my favorite stories happened when I was doing hair. I had a little break so I decided to go sit down on a bench outside of where I worked. I was tired so I decided to lay on the bench because it was a beautiful day. As I was just laying there, thinking about how lucky I was to be living in such a pretty place, I felt something crawl up my leg. I looked down and saw the biggest centipede you will ever see in your life time, and it was crawling up my leg and started to go up my cropped jeans!! It looked like this one, and yes they are poisonous, and even scarier in person. As I felt it crawl up my pants I got up and started jumping up and down and freaking out. Everyone was staring at me like a was a freak, haha. Even after jumping up and down and wiggling my legs, I thought I could still feel it crawling up my leg. So I stormed into the bathroom at my work and stripped down to nothing, throwing my clothes off in a panic mode. I saw my life flash before my eyes, haha. I timidly searched my clothes I didn’t see the centipede, thank goodness. It must have fallen out as I ran franticly in the restroom. And thank goodness it didn’t bite me. For days after that, anytime I felt something brush against my leg, I thought it was a centipede crawling up me. It scarred me and I could not stop having nightmares about it, and still do haha. I had to share this because who does that happen to?! I swear the weirdest, most random things happen to me, especially in Hawaii, haha. Hopefully nothing crazy or embarrassing happens to me on this trip. Make sure to follow along on Insta to see all of our fun adventures!

Here are my travel “must haves” for this trip. These items are great for any warm weather trip and perfect for spring and summer coming up! Since I am almost 32 weeks pregnant, I went for the more oversized, comfy wear that would work for after baby also.  A lot of the things on my list are on sale right now so make sure to check them out.


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