Our Love Story…

Happy Valentines day!!!! Oh how I love this holiday! There’s nothing better than celebrating love with the ones we love, and this guy is my forever Valentine.  I feel so blessed to have him by my side! I realized the other day that I have never shared our love story with you guys! After a few years of blogging you would think I would share this. I have no clue what I was thinking! So it here goes.

I was 23 living in Chicago for a short time doing hair and Casey was 24 and just getting ready to graduate from SUU (Southern Utah University) and also getting ready to move back to SLC in a few weeks. I went back to visit Cedar City, Utah where my family lives for a week or so and honestly is was a random trip for me. At the time I have no clue what I was coming home for other than my mom wanted me home.  She bought me a plane ticket randomly and wanted me to come visit. So here I am in Cedar City, Utah and if you have never been there before it’s really small (population 30,000) and even though it’s a great place to live there really isn’t much to do. So I still had a gym membership to Gold’s Gym from living there before so I was going to the gym every day while I was there. I would see Casey at the gym and of course thought he was super cute and had a nice body but the last thing I wanted to do was date someone there when I was going back to Chicago. So after a couple of days of going to the gym we had a mutual acquaintance come up to me and point over to Casey while I was running on the treadmill and he was across the way lifting weights and said, “See that kid over there?  You should go out with him sometime. He is a cool guy and has great genes!”  haha!  I agreed he was super cute. That’s all he said then I saw him run over to Casey and pointed me out and was saying that he needed to go out with me and we would be a good match. But the funny thing is he never introduced us or anything. And that was that. So a few days later back to the gym I go and I was in the fitness room stretching after my workout and all the lights were off and I was the only one in this room. And here comes Casey to do abs and didn’t even see me. It was just me and him in this room. We both realized it was just me and him so as I was getting ready to leave he came up and started talking to me and asked me out on a date. He really didn’t want to ask me out at the gym but he didn’t know when he was going to run into me again. The rest was history after our first date and we have been together since.  I feel like everything was meant to be, how we met and why I was randomly in Cedar City. He moved back to SLC after a few weeks and I decided to move back to St George, Utah and we dated long distance for a few months until he decided to move down to St George also. We got engaged after 8 months of dating and married 3 months after that. He really swept me off my feet and from the start I knew he was my soulmate. Honestly he is the best husband and father and I really feel so blessed to have him as my forever Valentine!

Have a great Valentines Day! xx,


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