27 Week Bump Update + My Pregnancy Secrets!

27 Weeks
Blush Pink Wrap Sweater (on sale, almost sold out) | Layer Grey Tee | Distressed Skinny Jeans (on sale)

Hey guys! I am 27 weeks and finally into my 3rd and last trimester (yayyyyyy)! I am so excited because after being sick for so many months, I thought this day would never come haha. I thought this would be a perfect time to share a little update on how my pregnancy is going, and share some of my pregnancy secrets that any women should know.

Sooo I’m FINALLY feeling pretty good. At least better than before. I still have days where I am a little nauseous, but overall I am doing much better. I can at least function and not lay on the couch most of the days!! So that is good news! I am feeling my baby girl kick and move all day and I love it! Of course she loves to do it at night when I am trying to sleep haha, but I am just happy to feel her and know she is doing good! I have noticed my bump has grown a ton the last two weeks and all my clothes are starting to get a lot tighter. I can’t really zip up my jeans anymore so maybe I should start looking for some new ones lol. My bladder forces me to the bathroom every 10 seconds, especially at night, but I guess that’s what happens. I having been craving salads like crazy, a good salad with everything on it! I want it for lunch and dinner every day. I also have been craving chips and guac and anything salty. I normally love sweets, but not so much with this pregnancy! I am starting to get into the nesting mode and want to get my house all organized and decorated before she comes. I still haven’t started on her nursery but I am getting some good ideas and shopping around. So I will hopefully have it ready before she comes. I’m excited to share it with you guys! For the most part I am feeling better and can’t believe she will be here in 3 months. On a side note, we still aren’t sure on a name. Any good ideas?

I have been lucky in that I have never got stretch marks with any of my pregnancies … so far (knock on wood). I am not sure if it’s because of my skin type or the lotions I have been using. I do think the lotions have helped so here is what I use.
– Every morning I use the firming Jergens Firming Tanning lotion.
– At night time I use a couple of different things. I love them both. I use of couple of drops of  Essential Oils “Gentle Baby” mixed with this or this lotion. Or I just use plain old coconut oil. I will also layer the gentle baby with coconut oil or just use it alone. I like both. So I just alternate them at night.

Ok this tip is a little TMI but guys it works wonders so I feel like I have to share with you all. My mom taught me this and she has 7 kids and has been a champion breastfeeder with all of them haha. This tip helped me also because I have breastfeed both my kids. So two months before you give birth you need to prep your nips haha. I know it sounds really weird, but anyone that has breast feed for the first time knows it can be very painful. So to do this you get an old toothbrush (that you don’t brush your teeth with), or wash cloth and every time you are in the shower brush both nipples gently for a minute on each side. It helps callus them over just a little bit so when you have the baby and go to nurse it isn’t so painful and tender, and it helps prevent cracking and bleeding. I swear it works! Give it a try and let me know how it goes!

Thank you again for all your love and support and I would love to hear some of your favorite pregnancy tips! Happy Monday! xx,


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