My New Year Resolutions For 2017!

Mother, Daughter Winter FashionMother, Daughter Winter FashionMother, Daughter Winter Fashion with @PaylessComfy Winter FashionMother, Daughter Winter FashionMother, Daughter Winter FashionMother, Daughter Winter FashionMother, Daughter Winter Fashion
My Look: Puff Coat (similar one here also) | Grey Sweater | Skinny Jeans | Scarf | Boots via Payless (on sale, only $25) | Grey Pom Beanie

Lettie’s Look: Coat | Sweater | Grey Leggings | Boots (sold out, similar) | Yellow Beanie

Happy New Year!!! 2017 is going to be a great year! I just know it! This is my first post of the year and I couldn’t think of a better way to start off the New Year then with my little sidekick in the comfiest winter wear! Even though it doesn’t snow here in NorCal it still get cold in January so these looks with be on repeat all month. These on-trend boots from Payless are on major sale for only $25.!!!! They’re so comfy and the quality is honestly so good. I don’t feel much different from these and the more expensive ones! Make sure to check out Payless and all the great winter shoes!

Now on to the resolutions! I love to make yearly new year resolutions and I notice when I write them down on here I seem to really achieve them. There is something about writing them down. They come more to life and really feel like they are possible. Here are 10 resolutions I am hoping to achieve in 2017.

1. Try to survive after having my baby in April, haha. But really the newborn stage is fun don’t get me wrong but it can be tough. Especially now with two others to take care of. So I am going to try to enjoy the first month or two and not let the little things get to me.

2.  Eat more clean and healthy in 2017. I am typically a healthy eater but pregnant and being so sick for months I kind of ate whatever I could stomach (so a lot of carbs). So now that I am feeling better it’s going to be more greens for me and my family!

3. Make it to the gym or some sort exercise at least 3-4 times a week. I am normally good at this but pregnant it’s been harder. So this is a major goal before and after baby.

4. Get my whole house decorated. This means all rooms and office also. I am excited to share some of my room reveals here soon.

5. Get to bed before midnight during the week and up early to work instead of at night .I am a night owl!

6. Get my You Tube channel going. I swear every year I say this and never do it. SO this is the year I will have a video up at least once a month. Any things you want to know? Would love your feedback.

7. Share some more hair and beauty stuff with you all. Since I have been in the industry for over 15 years I have a few tricks up my sleeve and will try to share one with you at least once a month instead of only a few post a year (sorry).

8. Do something spiritual and uplifting everyday. This means reading a uplifting talk, do service for others, and or read my scriptures. Just something to get my day started off right.

9. Try and cook new healthy recipes. At least one new recipe a week. I would love to hear of some good healthy recipes?!

10. Staying positive always! I am really good at this but it can sometimes be hard being in this social media world of ours haha. So here’s to ALL of us being positive with ourselves and others and not comparing. Being thankful for what we have!

Love you all and thank you so much for all the love, kind words, and support! It means so much! Here’s to 2017! Let’s make it GREAT! xx,


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