Highlights From 2016

Plaid Coat via Chicwish (also love this one) | Black Sweater | Black Skinny Jeans (also love these ones) | Black Boots (sold out, similar & similar) | Beanie | Sunnies | Red Crossbody Bag

This plaid trench coat from Chicwish has become a new favorite. It’s so classy and I love the colors. It’s perfect paired with a beanie and a crossbody bag! This look will be on repeat all winter long! Make sure to check out Chicwish for some great winter wear!

2016 was a great year. SO much happen this year. So many great things and also a few stressful things. But all together is was a great year. Here are some highlights from this year.

  1. Found out we were expecting baby number 3.
  2.  Moved to a new house. SO much more space then we use to have.
  3. Achieved some big goals for my blog, etc.
  4. Started sleeping through the night haha. Lettie finally decided that sleep was a good idea and not keep mom up all night anymore.
  5.  Rowen started Kindergarten and loves it.
  6.  I survived my first trimester of pregnancy. Being sick all day is not my thing.
  7.  Went back to NYFW in Feb and Sept,
  8.  Traveled to some fun places.
  9.  Started my own line. Check out my bags here.
  10.  Found out we were having another sweet baby girl.

My not so great parts of 2016-

  1. My sweet grandma passed away. I use to live with her for a few years so it was hard and still is.
  2.  I was so sick from August to November being pregnant. That was hard, but SO happy I am doing better.
  3.  Not seeing our family more then two to three times a year, we wish we lived closer :/

2016 you were so good to us! Excited to see what 2017 brings! How was 2016 for you? xx.


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