Postpartum Update: How To Feel Comfortable in Your Post-baby Body

Postpartum Update

I can’t believe that I am already six weeks postpartum!  It’s crazy how fast time flies by when you have a newborn (and three other children to take care of).  There have been a lot of questions coming in about how postpartum is going for me, how I am handling life with four kids, what I do to lose baby weight, etc… So I thought I would do a little postpartum update to give you the 411 and maybe leave you with a few tips to help you get through your postpartum journey and remind you how important it is to give yourself grace during this time!

tips to feel comfortable in your postpartum body.

top | leggings | shoes | Crew’s onesie (similar)

What postpartum has been like for me this time around…

This recovery has fortunately been incredibly easy for me overall.  I truly feel like the older I get the more patience I have with myself and the process of postpartum recovery.  With each pregnancy I have learned that it’s OK to cry, it’s okay to feel overwhelmed, and it’s okay that my house is a mess and things aren’t running as smoothly as they may have been before Crew was born.  It takes time to recover both physically and mentally.  Hello, you just grew and birthed a human!  Things are going to look and feel a little different, some days are going to be harder than others, some days you will need to cry it out, and that is 100% okay.

If you are like me and just had a baby or if you are about to have a baby and want to be prepared on what to expect after the baby is born, here are a few tips to help you feel more comfortable in your post baby-body.

Take care of yourself mentally and physically:

Eat nutritious foods

A lot of you already know that I love to follow the macro healthy eating plan.  Before my pregnancy I did this, during pregnancy, and now postpartum.  It is such a healthy balance of protein, carbohydrates and fats, which I love.  I feel great when I am counting my macros and I love that I never feel hungry or like I’m “dieting.”  Plus, you can always fit a treat in when needed!  Who doesn’t need a daily treat? Really, I just try to listen to my body when I am breastfeeding and make sure that I am fueling it with all of the right foods that it needs.

If you are interested in counting macros but don’t know where to start, I love following these accounts:



Drink a lot of water

I literally drink SO much water when I am nursing.  Drinking enough water will greatly benefit your milk supply.  The days that I get busy and don’t drink enough water I can tell a big difference in my supply.  This water bottle is awesome!  If you are trying to up your water game then you will want to get yourself one ASAP.   Also, if you want more nursing tips THIS post has all of my best tips and favorite products that I love for when I am nursing.

MOVE your body

To be honest, I am still trying to figure out how to get a consistent workout routine in.  I’m realizing that with four kids it’s much more of a juggling act than it was before.  Right now moving my body looks a lot like chasing four kids around, going to the park, taking a family walk, etc… I am hoping to start incorporating more weight training into my routine and I love the Obe’ Fitness app to do my cardio with.  You can learn more about the Obe app on THIS post.   My biggest tip would be to find something that you actually enjoy doing.  If you enjoy the workout then it will be much easier to stay consistent.  Even if that means only working out for 20 minutes a day!  20 minutes is better than nothing and I promise it will make the biggest difference in your day.


The five letter word that every new mom wishes was a little more familiar!  When you have a newborn you can basically count on your sleep schedule being all over the place.  Your baby won’t be on a solid schedule for a few months, which makes it really tricky to get much deep sleep.  BUT, my biggest tip is to sleep when your baby is sleeping as much as possible.  Especially if it is your first baby!  I promise everything else can wait.  Just soak in that beloved nap time with your babe, because I promise when baby 2,3, and 4 come around ain’t nobody napping.   Sleep is so important!  Your mind functions more efficiently, your body works better, and you (and everyone else in your family) will be so much happier if you are getting enough sleep!

Take time to do something that makes you happy each day

For me, taking a shower and getting ready for the day makes the biggest difference in my day!  I just feel so much better if I shower and get ready for the day.  Even if it’s only 10 minutes, take time to get ready, go to the grocery store by yourself, read a good book, etc…  Whatever brings you joy, make it a priority and incorporate it into your daily routine!

3 Favorite Postpartum products:


I have used this bellyband after all of my pregnancies and I sweat by it!  It will help get your hips and tummy back into place a lot quicker than if you don’t use a bellyband.  Start using it right after you deliver!  Bellybands are also really great and highly recommended for healing after a C-section, if you have go that route.

Large water bottle

Like I said earlier, getting enough water each day is vital after you have a baby!  Especially if you are nursing.  This is my very favorite water bottle for tracking my water intake.  I keep it with me at all times during the postpartum phase of life.

Ritual Multivitamin

Taking a multivitamin is something that has always been really important to me after having babies.  These ritual multivitamins are my very favorite and they don’t taste terrible!

Extra Long Phone Charger

I really can’t believe how handy these extra long phone chargers are!  It seems like my phone is always dying right as I am sitting down to nurse, and we all know the short cords reach about two feet and it is pretty much impossible to nurse and do anything on my phone with a two foot cord.  So I love having these extra long cords on hand!

Cozy Blanket

Having a newborn requires a lot of sitting to feed and snuggle (which no one is complaining about).  I love having my favorite cozy blanket to snuggle up in during the postpartum phase.  This one is hands down my very favorite!

what to wear to feel good in your postpartum body.

sweater | jeans | my beanie | Crew’s beanie | Crew’s outfit | Crew’s boots | Solly wrap 

What to wear postpartum:

I get so many questions about what to wear during postpartum.  Right after you have a baby your body is going through a lot of necessary changes and there are a lot of things that are going to be out of place and/or different than they were before you had a baby.  A lot of your clothes will be too tight or not fit as comfortably as they did pre-baby, but fortunately there are a few simple guidelines that you can follow to help find pieces that are flattering and will help you feel more confident about your body.  Here are a few of my best tips and tricks for figuring out what to wear postpartum:

Loose tops/loose dresses 

tips to feel comfortable in your postpartum body.

dress | jacket | shoes

Flowy tops and baby doll dresses are a great option right after having your baby!  Just make sure that you don’t pick anything that is tight on your waist.  It won’t be comfortable and it won’t look good.


tips to feel comfortable in your postpartum body.

cardigan | t-shirt | leggings | slippers

tips to feel comfortable in your postpartum body.

beanie | grey shirt | jacket | leggings | boots | Crew’s hat | Crew’s outfit | Crew’s boots

I really like pairing my tees with a cute cardigan or jacket right after having a baby.  This will help cover up your backside and it creates a very flattering and put together look.

Tying it around your waist is also a really fun way to wear a jacket that is flattering and will cover up any insecurities in the back.

Flattering leggings

tips to feel comfortable in your postpartum body.

top | leggings |shoes

High waisted leggings are a mom’s best friend!  When you are postpartum it is a very good idea to pick high waisted leggings that suck you in!  ALWAYS go high waisted and pick ones to suck in that belly.  It will make a world of difference! I mean look at the difference a high waisted legging can make in comparison to a low rise.  You will instantly feel like you lost 10 pounds!


tips to feel comfortable in your postpartum body.

sweater | jeans | boots 

Jeans are great because they help you keep your core in and make you want to eat better.  I always suggest getting in jeans at least a couple of times a week when you are postpartum.  You may have to go up a size or two from your pre-baby jeans and that is totally fine!  Just get in jeans as soon as possible, because they are a more true indicator of where you are at size wise and will be a great motivator to eat better and exercise more.  I love these jeans! They are stretchy, high-waisted and really suck you in.  Be careful to not buy your jeans to tight or you will create a muffin-top that you do not want to create!


tips to feel comfortable in your postpartum body.

hoodie | joggers | beanie | slippers

Tip to Feel comfortable in your postpartum body.

sweater | joggers | slippers 

what to wear postpartum.

sweater (similar) | joggers | slippers | Crew’s onesie | Crew’s pants

If there has been any good that has came out of 2020 it is the huge amount of exposure a good lounge set has received!  Right?! I love lounge sets right after having a baby because we are home a lot and when I’m home I like to be comfortable.  There are some really great lounge sets out there right now that are totally cute enough to wear out in public as well!  When you are looking for a good postpartum lounge set, go for bottoms that are high waisted and a little more oversized top that you can give a little front tuck (this will help to cover up any belly issues that you are still experiencing from giving birth).  This will give you a flattering waist line without exposing extra belly fat that you may be experiencing.

What clothes to avoid postpartum 

There are a few types of clothes that you want to 100% avoid during when you are in the postpartum phase.  I don’t tell you these to be rude, but to help you be aware of common mistakes that will make you look heavier than you actually are!

Be sure to always avoid:

  • Really tight fitting dresses
  • Jeans that are too tight (especially around your waistline)
  • Empire dresses that make you look like you are still pregnant

Give yourself grace

Please remember during during this wonderfully beautiful (and sometimes messy) time to give yourself grace.  You just had a baby, your hormones are all over the place, and perfection should not be your goal.  Remember that having a newborn is a sacred and very special time that you only get to experience a handful of times in your life.  Focus on gratitude and trying to live in the moment rather than focusing on everything that you are not doing or everything that is not fitting right.  Be sure to allow your body to heal, allow yourself to make mistakes (because I promise we all do), and allow yourself to be happy where you are!

I hope that these tips can help bring more peace and happiness to your life during your postpartum experience!  Keep up the good work momma.  You are doing a wonderful job!




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