NYFW Day 3: The Good and Bad of NYFW…


Bow Top | Cropped Flared Jeans | Snake Print Pumps (love these) | Red Bag via Trendlee | Bracelets 

Hello friends. I’ve had so many family, friends, and readers asking how NYFW went. Everyone says it sounds so fun and glamorous and want to know all about it.  To be honest with you, before I went for my first time last September, I thought the exact same thing. Every time I saw pictures of my blogger friends at NYFW, I always wanted to go so bad and thought it looked so glamours and so fun. I really love going to NYFW, but there is a not so glamours part that no one really gets to see. People only see the perfect and glamorous part that is posted, not the craziness that happens behind the scenes. Here is the good and bad about NYFW.

The things I love about NYFW:

-Meeting up with some of my blogger friends that I haven’t seen in awhile + meeting new blogger friends in person that I know through social media, etc.

-Being in NYC. It’s one of my favorite cities and I always love to go visit.

-Love seeing the new trends that are coming up and all the beautiful clothes designers come up with.

-Wearing fun and fashionable clothes that I wouldn’t wear on a day to day basis! I have decided the funkier, the better at NYFW haha.

– Love meeting with new PR companies and getting to know great people in the industry.

The Bad about NYFW:

– I always wear shoes that aren’t comfortable and get blisters all over my feet. That’s probably my own fault but you have to look fashionable, right?!! Walking around in pain isn’t too fun, haha.

– Waiting in line for a show for over an hour. There is always a huge line/crowd, and most shows want you there 20-30 minutes before the show. It seems like it takes a while to be seated and for the show to start. Then the show is only like 10 minutes long, haha. So all that hassle for a 10 minute show. Then getting out of the show and getting an Uber is impossible.

– The blogger/fashion world has SO many nice and wonderful people, don’t get me wrong, but there are also a lot of bloggers that stick to their group. They don’t really want to get to know anyone besides their little clicks. I don’t love this part, especially when you are at an event and no one gets to know each other.

– The weather is always interesting, haha. It seem like all 3 times I have been it has either been too hot or SO cold. I will take the heat over the cold any day. When I went last February, it was some of the coldest days they had in years and it was miserable. Going in September is more enjoyable than February. There were a couple of days that it was so hot and humid that you could forget getting ready or putting on makeup because it melted off in two seconds, haha.

– Spending seemingly millions of dollars on uber/taxi is not the way you want to spend your money. But you can’t walk too far in heels! For real it’s crazy how much it adds up going from show to show in that big city.

– New York is known for it’s amazing restaurants, but you barely have time to eat when you go to NYFW, haha. I see why models are so skinny (j/k). The day is so packed with shows/meetings/events that you really don’t take the time or have time to eat until late at night, and you realize you ate your first meal at 10 o’clock at night. Everyone I talked to said the same thing! Make sure you pack some snacks to get you through the day. We go there to eat all the good food, instead we come losing weight, lol.

-Last, but not least, being away from my little family. I’m always so ready to get home to see my husband and little kiddos.

Let me know if you have anymore questions about NYFW, I would love to answer them for you! Happy Wednesday! XO,



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