We are Moving!!

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Ok so it’s true we are moving….again! But this time it isn’t far away or to a different state, thank goodness! We are just moving 30 minutes up the road more towards the city (San Fran). We have been living in San Ramon about 45 minutes from the city on the east bay for the last 2 1/2 years. And now we are going to be in Walnut Creek. It’s closer to the city about 20 minutes away but still on the east bay. We are so sad to leave all the good friends we have made in San Ramon and this beautiful, quite place. But the good thing is they aren’t far away!  The one thing we are most excited about moving to Walnut Creek is we are going to be back in a house again (yay).  We built a new home when we were in Utah and since we have moved to AZ then CA we have been in town homes/apartments since then.  It’s going to be SO nice having a bigger space again, and be able to actually unpack all of our boxes this time around!  The only thing different here is we are paying an arm and a leg for a home haha. I guess that’s what we get living in the most expensive place in the US. Also we will be living in a older home and I have never really lived in a older home before so this will be a little different. But I think it will be fun to decorate and get creative. I am excited to share my house and the way I decorate with you all, so stay tuned! And wish me luck! We just moved all of our stuff to the new house and we are swarming in boxes! Did I mention how much I hate moving, haha! It’s the worst!

I hope you all have a great Labor Day weekend! Thanks so much for reading! XO,


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