The Costco Golden Box Tops Challenge!

Back to school is in full swing here at the Springer house. The morning routine is always the same during the week as we try to get Rowen out the door in time for school! Cheerios from Costco are a regular occurrence in our house in the mornings. Have you guys heard of the Golden Box Top Challenge?! It’s so cool! Basically it’s a way to help kids in school by purchasing specially marked General Mills products. There are 8 box tops to choose from (one of them is Cheerios). You can find out more info on how to enter and win prizes aside from helping your kids with their school. For every Box Top you turn in, your school receives $.10! It’s so easy and my kids now love to look for the product that has “Box tops” on it.

Costco Cheerios 1Costco Cheerios 3Costco Cheerios 8Costco Cheerios 9Costco Cheerios 4Costco Cheerios 2Costco CheeriosWe are stocking up on our favorite products at Costco for all of our back-to-school breakfasts and lunches! And make sure to check out your local Costco for all your favorite products and help your local schools at the same time! You can’t beat it and your kids will love joining in on the Box Top Challenge!

Happy Monday! Thanks so much for reading! XO,


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