The Ultimate Hospital Bag Checklist

Hospital Bag Checklist

How in the world is it almost time to finally have this baby?  There are times that I feel like this pregnancy has raced by like the speed of light and then there are times that I feel like I have been pregnant since 1985.  Either way I am so excited and so anxious to meet our sweet little sugar!  I have started getting all the things ready to go, so I thought I would share with you the ultimate hospital bag checklist!

There are a lot of hospital checklists out there, but I have found over and over again that a lot of them are packed with items that are absolutely unnecessary.  I am pretty much a seasoned professional at this whole having a baby gig and if I have learned anything it is that less is more!  There are a few items that you absolutely do need, but there are also a lot of things that you can leave out of your hospital bag because you won’t need them or use them during your stay.  So let’s dive right into the basics!

A picture of the best hospital bag and what you need to put in it for mom and baby.

sweater | leggings | shoes |sunglasses | car seat | diaper bag

Hospital Bag For Mom:

You will need two bags!  One for mom and one for baby.  It makes it much easier to keep things organized and easy to find this way.  I used this bag for my last hospital stay and loved it!  The exact version is sold out, but this version is so classy and I love the new color options!


Whatever you do do not forget to pack your toiletries! Whether you pack light or you like to pack your entire house make sure you pack your own toothbrush/toothpaste, deodorant, face wash, and some good moisturizer.  I always like to pack my must have Mascara makeup too.  It’s nice to have at least a little something on your face for pictures that will be literal treasures to your family.  If you know for any reason that you will be in the hospital for a little bit longer stay then you may want to pack some dry shampoo and a razor!

Extra Long iPhone Cord

While you are in the hospital you will actually find yourself on your phone quite a bit.  Between sending updates on you and the baby out to family and snapping as many pictures/videos as possible you will want to make sure that your phone is fully charged.  A long cord is so much more convenient than a standard cord for obvious reasons. This one would work great!

makeup | white sleeper | orange sleeper | nipple cream | joggers | slippers 

Your Own Clothes

I always like to pack a few of my own clothes for my time in the hospital.  Keep the colors dark, because let’s just say things can get a little messy post delivery.  Stick with black, navy or grey!  I absolutely love these pajamas and this nightgown.  They are both perfect for nursing and SO comfortable.  I also threw these joggers in my bag to have some extra bottoms on hand.

Shoes, Slippers and/or Socks

Hospital floors aren’t exactly the place that I want my bare feet walking around on.  It is an absolute must to bring your own cozy slippers and/or socks to walk around your room in.  I will also be packing these sandals for the shower.  Trust me on this one!

nursing bra | sandals (similar) | swaddles (similar) | hats | sleeper | diaper bag

Nursing Bra

You will definitely want to put some of your own nursing bras on your hospital bag checklist!  Pretty much your main job after delivery is to feed that baby.  These nursing bras are incredible and make nursing so much easier! You might want to pack an extra just in case you leak at all.

Nipple Cream

If you know you know.  If you don’t know yet, then just know that you will want to trust me on this one!  When you first start nursing it can be incredible painful.  The hospital will have nipple cream available for you if needed, but I prefer this cream and I love that it is a safe option for baby and mom.

Mesh Underwear

One of those things that nobody mentions before you have the baby is how necessary these mesh underwear are!  They will have some available at the hospital (which I highly suggest you stock up on), but I love these ones and it’s always nice to have extras stocked up as home as well.

Pillow & Blanket

It’s a really good idea to add your own pillow and blanket to your hospital bag checklist.  Taking a little piece of home with me helps to ease my stress levels and I love to have a soft blanket to cuddle up in during all of the late night feedings.  I take my own pillow for sanitary reasons and comfort!  If you don’t already have a soft blanket that you love, this is my all time favorite blanket.  You won’t find a softer blanket!

dried apple slices | Zone Perfect protein bars | Swedish Fish | salted dark chocolate almonds | sea salt caramels | ONE protein bars

sweater | pants |car seat | sleeper 


This may be the most important item on your hospital bag checklist!  For some reason, after giving birth I am always starving.  It’s so nice to have your own snacks (that you actually like) in the room with you.  And my husband eats more than probably anybody that I know and he is adamant about making sure that I have snacks packed for him as well!  Your visitor will appreciate you fueling them with food!

Hospital Bag For Baby:

Here’s a few of my essentials for baby. And this is by far the very best diaper bag you will ever own!

A picture of the top items that you need to include in your hospital bag checklist.

pajamas | swaddles | nipple butter | weekender bag | snacks | nursing bras | sleeper | nightgown |diaper bag | slippers | leggings |

mesh underwear | hats | joggers

Hospital Hats

One of the first things that they will do after your baby is born is put a sweet little hat on their head to keep them warm.  I like to bring a couple of my own options.  These ones are super soft and I think the little knot at the top is just absolutely adorable.


When picking out what outfits to pack for your baby, think timeless and practical.   You really only need a couple of options to choose from.  I promise you, less is more!  I am so excited to see our baby in this cute little sleeper.  And I LOVE the color of this one.


A swaddled baby is a happy baby.  You will learn really fast that the nurses at the hospital are like swaddle ninjas and know exactly how to wrap those babies up like perfect little burritos.  When picking out what swaddles to take I would suggest swaddles with stretch (they make swaddling SO much easier) and solid colors or a subtle pattern.  Solids tend to photograph better and you will be taking about one million pictures, so plan accordingly.  These ones are a great affordable option.

Car Seat

You guys the one thing that you can not leave your house without is a car seat!  They won’t let you leave the hospital without one.  Trust me on this one.  With our first baby we literally forgot the car seat. HA  So my husband had to hurry home and grab ours before they would discharge us.  Please learn from our mistake and do not forget your car seat!  I love this car seat.  And the reviews don’t lie.  It’s worth every penny.

car seat| slippers | diaper bag | sweater | leggings | brown sleeper | swaddles (similar) | nursing bras | hats | joggers |nightgown |

nipple butter | blanket

Ready For Baby!

We are can not even believe that we are so close to baby time!  This pregnancy has flown by and we can not wait to meet our newest addition.  If you would like more pregnancy ideas check out this post.   Or to follow me along on my postpartum journey be sure to follow me on Instagram @latishaspringer!

xx,  LaTisha




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