My All Time Favorite Workout

gym sport outfit-8 (1)Workout Top ( similar one here also) | Black Yoga Pants (sold out, very similar here) | Sports Bra (also love this one) | Purple Nike’s

Hey Guys!! I have been super excited to share this with you. I have had a lot of people email me asking about my favorite work outs and what I like to do to get back in shape after having my babies. I’m way leaner now then I was before I had kids and I think this work out that I’m sharing below has a lot to do with it. My husband is very into fitness and working out and has helped me a lot. He doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth, so he’s helped me a lot with consistently eating healthy (more about what I eat here).

A problem I was having in the past is that a lot of the workouts I would do made me bulk up and wouldn’t give me the lean look I was looking for. When I started this core based work out on an exercise ball (thanks to my friend Tia Stokes 5 years ago for teaching me), I feel like I leaned out a lot and saw major results that I had never seen before. Plus it helped me bounce back quickly after having both of my babies.

It’s kind of hard to explain in writing, so I decided to share a quick video on it. The first couple of minutes is the beginner part, and the advanced part is the last few minutes. I suggest to start with the beginner part first for a few weeks and just that alone for 5-10 minutes a day. Increase the length of time and movements as you get more comfortable. The last part of the workout (as shown on the video) took me a few months to get down. I’m not going to lie, I thought it was impossible when I first started. But with practice I was able to pick it up and see major results! It’s totally worth it. If you want a more in depth video on the advanced part, please let me know and I’m happy to share another video with you. And if you want an even more advanced, in depth video on this you can check out Tia’s work out videos here. They’re awesome!

I do this work out 2-3 times a week. I do 20 minutes of cardio before and on my days I don’t do this workout I try to take a dance class and or kick boxing class, and do my abs. Here is the video and let me know of you have any questions!

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