Father’s Day Gift Guide ….

Father's Day Gift Guide
Happy Tuesday! I hope you all had a great Memorial Day weekend! We had my mother, father and sister in law and her cute family in town from Utah, and it was so fun seeing them and exploring this awesome city we live in. It was non stop fun and on the go! I am so blessed to have such great family and I love when they come and see us! My kids love it so much too!

So I know it’s hard to believe but Father’s Day is 20 days away from today! My kids love to help me and look forward to making the cards and wrapping his presents. This year my goal is to be on top of things and get his presents bought earlier, instead of last minute! And I have noticed there is so many great sales on summer finds so I had to share a gift guide with you all. So you can get your shopping started early!! Here is some of my favorites that every man would love.

(click picture to go to the item)



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