Style Check-In

Hello friends! I hope you are all having a great week so far! I have been really excited to share this cool company I recently discovered a few months ago with you! It’s the easiest way to shop these days and it’s called Style Check-In. All you have to do it sign up, give them your info (measurements, style preferences, etc), and then you let the fashion experts at Style Check-In do all the work. More about that here.

I got this cute skirt I’m wearing in the pictures below, along with two other items. It was so nice just having someone do all the work in finding great items that fit my style perfectly, then sent to my doorstep (in a cute little box). Now that’s what I call shopping!! Make sure to check them out!
Style CheckinStyle Check in 3

Processed with VSCO with hb1 preset

Style check in 4

Style Check in 2White Bell Sleeve Top (on sale) | Floral Skirt via Style check in c/o |  Pink Crossbody Bag c/o | Black Heels c/o || Choker c/o | Gold Bracelets c/o

Happy Wednesday! XO,

Dopensteez Photography 


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