My Daily Meal Plan + Healthy Snacks On the Go …

Hello Friends! I have been getting a lot of questions on comments on what I do for working out (that coming soon) and what I like to eat! So I thought this would be a perfect time with summer right around the corner to talk about some of my favorite healthy foods + my everyday meal plan.  It’s sometimes hard to eat healthy all the time, especially as a mother on the go! With much trial and error I have figure out a great healthy food everyday meal plan + snacks for the busy women/mother on the go!

gym sport outfit

My favorite healthy on the go snacks/lunch are:
Zone bars (the chocolate mint are my fav). I eat these for a pre or post workout, or even for lunch if I have a really busy day. Macamadia Nuts or almonds
Dried all natural mangos
Boiled eggs
Sliced cucumbers
Hummus and carrots (I buy the small hummus at costco)
Protein shake (blend up 100% whey protein, banana, coconut milk, spinach & ice).
Ready to go salads (the ones with s fork, like pic below)

Salads on the go

I live on these types of salads these days for lunch. I have one at least once a day. I love the spinach pow and the nutty cranberry in the Elevate brand. I sometimes add avocado and more chicken and/or turkey to them. I also love the Greens and Grains brand of salads ( I have only seen them in the Costco here in the Bay area). I love all of there salads too.

Here is my eating plan for most days, I’m kind of boring and stick to the same schedule most days. I like to have a cheat day on the weekend and have a dessert (love ice cream or a cookie) and a meal with carbs (mexican food and/or pancakes).

2 Eggs (fried with a sliced of melted cheese and avocado on top), scrambled (and I add spinach and mushrooms to them), or boiled if I am in a hurry.

Mid morning snack-
Dried mangos, apple, or banana

Salad on the go (like pictured above), if I am home I add a avocado on top and more chicken and/or turkey.
Sliced cucumbers

Mid afternoon snack-
Zone bar
Handful of nuts (almonds or macadamia nuts)

During the week I try to stay healthy with chicken and mixed veggies or a chicken salad.
Here is my favorite salad- lettuce, spinach, grilled chicken, onion, tomato, avocado, a little bit of cheese, sliced almonds, balsamic vingerette or honey mustard for a dressing. Casey loves the bolt house ranch.
So more recipe I love and use a lot of dinner-
Roasted chicken and veggies
Baked sweet potato chips 
Strawberry Chicken Salad
Cilantro Garlic Lime Salmon
Coconut Curry Soup

Let me know if you have any questions and stay tuned for my favorite workout and a video! Happy Wednesday! XO,


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