Ultimate Chocolate Mousse Cake Experience …

I have been so excited to share this wonderful experience I did last weekend. I am not sure if you follow me on Instagram and/or snapchat but I talked a little bit about it. Last Friday my friends and I went and took a baking class with the famous French pastry chef, Jean-Yves Duperret!  Thanks to IFOnly for such a fun event!  It was a blast! Take a look behind the scenes of our fun adventure.
Ultimate Chocolate Mousse Cake Experience

Ultimate Chocolate Mousse Cake Experience
Ultimate Chocolate Mousse Cake ExperienceWe took the baking class at Chef Jean-Yves Duperret house in San Francisco. We made the Ultimate Chocolate Mousse Cake. And boy does the name say it all. I learned so many tips and tricks about baking. There are so many steps to making this delicious, rich, chocolate cake. Chef Jean-Yves named this cake the “favorite cake” because this cake was one of his best sellers in the bakeries he used to own in San Francisco.
Ultimate Chocolate Mousse Cake Experience

Ultimate Chocolate Mousse Cake Experience

Ultimate Chocolate Mousse Cake Experience
Ultimate Chocolate Mousse Cake Experience Ultimate Chocolate Mousse Cake ExperienceOne of the coolest things about the experience is that my friend/photographer Nathalie Bize is from France and moved here a couple of years ago! Chef Jean-Yves is also French and they were talking in French the whole time. It was so fun to hear them both speak and interact in a different language! Jean-Yves was hilarious and cracked jokes non stop. So that made the class even more fun!
Ultimate Chocolate Mousse Cake ExperienceUltimate Chocolate Mousse Cake ExperienceUltimate Chocolate Mousse Cake ExperienceHe showed us some fun chocolate techniques on how to decorate cakes. He made it look so easy but it really is a lot harder than it looks!
Ultimate Chocolate Mousse Cake Experience Ultimate Chocolate Mousse Cake ExperienceUltimate Chocolate Mousse Cake ExperienceUltimate Chocolate Mousse Cake ExperienceUltimate Chocolate Mousse Cake ExperienceUltimate Chocolate Mousse Cake Experience https://ooh.li/4414a75After a couple of hours and many steps, this amazing dessert was done! It was worth all the work! It has 7 layers of chocolate sponge cake, rich chocolate mousse, and homemade orange marmalade. It melted in our mouths! This rich chocolate (with a touch or orange flavor) cake was a slice of heaven!

I am so happy that I was able to experience this through IfOnly, and shared this with some great friends! I would do this again and recommend it to anyone. If you love fun experiences like these you have to check out IFOnly. You can get $50 off using “yellow dress” at check out until June 30, 2016. Feel free to share with your friends! The next experience I want to try is the Macaroon class, and the Soar Over San Francisco experience!! Become a Luminary and share your talents with others + make money doing it. More about that here.

Thanks so much for reading! XO,

Photos by Nathalie Bize 


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