Tip Tuesday || Why I Decided To Try Botox…

Ok so here’s the deal! I was very hesitate to share this but I thought what the heck, why not!  I ‘m all about sharing my favorite beauty tips and secrets always! Plus I look up to people that keep it real, because it doesn’t happen very often these days! I recently decided to try botox (and a little filler in the cheeks, more about that as you read). Once I hit 32 and noticed very little fine line on my forehead I decided to give it a try! I was one of those people that was always against it, and never thought I would do it. I think because I have seen to many people that have over done it and it doesn’t look natural! The main reason I was so worried about it because I wanted to find the right doctor to do it! Well then I found Dr Parhiscar. And he’s the best in the west haha, but for real he is SO good at what he does.

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Dr Parhiscar is very professional and made me feel very comfortable. We had a consultation first. I told him that I was seeing a little line on my forehead and worried about wrinkles in the future, and was thinking about botox. He told me how botox is a great preventive and can look very natural as long as it is done right! And then I started telling him that after I have babies and lose my baby weight, the first thing to go is the weight on my face. Especially the fullness on my cheeks, and I didn’t love that! So he said he could put a little filler on my upper cheek bones to add a little fullness to my face! I was even more hesitate for the filler part but decide to give it a try! And I love how it turned out!

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My husband says he doesn’t see a much of a difference haha, but that’s a guy for you! The main thing I see with the botox is it lifted my eyebrows a bit. I feel like it helped me not look as tired as I have looked after many years of no sleep with my two kids haha. As far as filler goes I love the little bit of fullness I have in my upper cheeks now!

The only thing that’s not my favorite about botox/fillers is, botox only lasts up to 6 months, and filler up to 9 months. So if you decide to try it, it’s definitely an long term investment. I want to have more babies so it’s probably something I will do here and there. Not constant! But I definitely love the results Dr Parhiscar gave me! I would recommended it to others as long as you find the right doctor that has experience doing it!

I would recommaded Dr Parhiscar to everyone! Not only is he great at botox/fillers, but he is known for his Cosmetic surgery! I have heard so many great things about all of his work. For anyone looking for Cosmetic surgery, he is your guy (and totally worth the travel). More about him and his amazing before and afters here. You need to check him out!

I know that botox is not for everyone, and I’m not saying for everyone to go out and get it! I just wanted to give you my honest feedback for anyone looking to get it done, and were fearful like I was about it! I would love to answer any questions you have!

Happy Tuesday! Thanks so much for reading! XO,


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