2016 New Year Resolutions …

with the kids (3)with the kids (7)with the kids (19)with the kids (14)with the kids (11)with the kids (17)with the kids (20)with the kids (24)with the kids (23)with the kids (12)

Jacket: Romwe c/0 (on sale) || White Top: Nordstrom || Pants: Shopbop (cheaper one here) || Heels: Zara (similar) ||Fitness Bracelet: Mira c/o || Gold Chain Bracelet: Inpink c/o || Necklace: Dainty Layers Jewelry c/o

Rowen’s Look- Sweater: Nununu c/o (on sale) || Jeans: Appaman c/0 || Beanie: Amazon || Sneakers: Nike

Lettie’s Look: Top: H&M || Vest: Old Navy || Pants: Old Navy || Hunter Boots: Nordstrom


I love starting off the new year with some new resolutions and goals. I know that can seem cliche, and too often we make goals and forget about them soon after. I’ve been guilty of that, but I really try to avoid that now. I view it as a fresh start to the new year. My husband and I always write down joint goals for the year, and also monthly a weekly goals to help us achieve our goals. We try to stay on top of them and hold each other accountable as best as we can. Of course life gets in the way sometimes (like dealing with sick kids) and it’s hard to stay on track all of the time. But we really try to make an effort and I think the more people that can hold you accountable, the better! For that reason, I’m sharing some of my personal goals with all of you.

1. I didn’t get much sleep in 2015 so my goal is to get some more rest this year. To bed no later then 11:30 am up by 6:30. Instaed of 2 a.m to 8 a.m.

2. Work out at least 3 to 4 times a week. Include some sort of cardio 2 days a week to get my heart pumping.

3. Drink at least 10 cups of water a day. I am pretty good at this but I have days I get too busy and forget. I want to be more consistent.

4. Return emails, etc. when my son is at school and daughter is taking a nap, and/or sleeping at night. I try to do this as much as possible but some days it seems like I spend too much time on my phone, and don’t give as much attention to my kiddos as I would like. This year I’m going to make a concerted effort with this.

5. Get my house more organized. We downsized when we moved to beautiful but expensive Cali, so I need to find ways to get orangized in this smaller space. Any ideas?

6. Do something to uplift me spiritually every day, like reading the scriptures or listening to an inspiring talk or music. Something that will make me want to continue to grow and become a better person.

7. Eat more greens. Add greens into my diet for every meal instead of just once a day. This is a hard one for me because I am always on the go. I am going to make it a proity and plan ahead with my meals.

8. Make more YouTube videos. I say I am going to do this every year and never do it. Will you guys please hold me to it? I want to post a video sharing beauty, hair, and fashion tips once a month!

9. Enjoy and cherish each day with my two kiddos and amazing husband. I try to do this and I know I’m one blessed mama, but sometimes it’s easy to get wrapped up in the craziness of it all instead of enjoying the little things. They are only little once so I want to embrace it all.

10. Update/write down new weekly goals each week.

I would love to hear  your New Year’s Resolutions! Happy Monday! Thanks so much for reading! XO,

Photos by: Nathalie Bize


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