Best Of 2015

Best of 2015Best of 2015

I honestly can’t believe 2015 is over! It flew by! 2015 was SO good to us! Here a few of our highlights from our year.

  •  2015 was our second year here in the bay area. We had so much fun exploring NorCa, and can’t wait to explore more. There are SO much to do here. Some of our favorite places. Golden Gate Bridge, Pro baseball and basketball games, Trolley ride in the city, all the beautiful beaches, Exploring Carmel and Monterey.  Going on hikes in the beautiful green hills, and playing at Golden Gate Park.
  • Traveled back home to Utah a few times, Phoenix, Santa Barbara, Florida, all over NorCal, Lake Tahoe, Havasupai, and I went to my very first NYFW in NYC.
  • Lettie turned 1 and she starting walking at 16 months and stating talking in sentences in September. She dances all over the place.
  • Rowen turned 4 and started his first year of preschool. He has grown up so much this year. He is obsessed with sports like his father. He pretty much can name every player on the NBA and every team in the NFL, and college teams (it’s pretty crazy haha). He he still has a love for trains.
  • Casey and I reached some major goals we made.
  • Casey and I had our 7 year anniversary, and I am blessed to have the most wonderful husband.
  • One my littlest sisters Jula, starting serving her mission in July.
  • Made so new friends and awesome clients

I really am so excited for what 2016 has in store. I have some awesome things coming up that I can’t wait to share with you. Thanks you all SO SO much for all your kind words and amazing support! It means the world to me! I love you all and hope you all have a Happy New Year!! XO,


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