My Holiday Survival Kit …

Black Sequin LBDSequin DressSide Braid HairstyleHairSequin LBD

Dress: Old (similar & similar) | Heels: Zara (similar)  | Tights: Hanes c/o | Clutch: Deux Lux c/o | Earrings: Baublebar c/o | **Hair done by the talented Emma

Merry Christmas Eve! I absolutely love this time of year! The holiday’s are my favorite! But let’s be honest it’s the most crazy time of year! Surviving the holidays is hard to do these days because there is so much going on. I put together a little holiday survival kit with Hanes.

Here are my must haves.

Holiday Survival Kit

Beanie & Scarf: I have been wearing both of these non stop. Adding a scarf to an outfit this winter makes it so cute and gives it a fun finished touch. Thank goodness for beanies or I would be in trouble!! I have been running around all month and the last thing I have time for is doing my hair. So I throw on a beanie most days and it helps me look somewhat presentable!!

White Chocolate & Peppermint Pretzel Crisps: If you haven’t tried these you NEED too! They are so dang good, and addicting! I have gone through bags of them this month already, and I swear they have got me through this crazy month haha! It’s amazing what a little chocolate can do!

Tights: Black tights and a sequin dress (what I’m wearing above), are always my go-to for holiday parties. These black tights have saved me on the days that I don’t have time to shave my legs (haha). I also love the finished look they give my outfit. These hanes tights are my favorite because they are very comfortable and help hide any problem areas! This look would be a perfect one for NYE!

Red Lipstick: I love this one from Urban Decay. It’s the prefect shade of red that goes great with almost anything you wear + it last all day long!

Yosi Samra Flats: I am a huge fan of anything Yosi Samra. I love how they fold up so you can stick them in your handbag or clutch. When I am done wearing heels, I switch to these flats and my feet are in heaven + I still look stylish. I love these sparkle ones, great for the holidays!


I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas! And also survived the holiday craziness ;). XO,

Thank you to Hanes for kindly sponsoring this post. All opinions are 100% honest & completely my own.


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