Christmas Jammies …

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My PJ’s || Rowen’s PJ’s || Lettie PJ’s

Hot chocolate, candy canes, Christmas stories. and Christmas jammies are a tradition in the Springer house! This is something we do every year!  My kiddos favorite part is the candy cane’s and hot chocolate (as you can tell) haha. I love to get matching Christmas jammies for the whole family and wearing them non stop all month. Both of my kids this year are starting to really get into Christmas and I love seeing the excitement on there face from all the fun things we have done so far. My favorite part has been The Elf on the Shelf. We started it for the first time this year. We named him Griff. It’s been fun seeing my kids wake up and seeing him in a different spot every day, doing something silly! Another tradition we love doing is seeing the Christmas lights. We took them to the Oakland Temple to see the lights last week. And they loved every minute of it! This time of year is my favorite! Especially with kids! It makes Christmas even more magical! What are some fun traditions you like to do?

There are so many cute Christmas jammies. Here are some favorites!

For the kids:

Happy Monday! XO,

Photos by: Nathalie Bize


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