My Favorite At Home Pregnancy Workouts

I love staying in good shape. Whether I’m pregnant or not, I enjoy feeling strong and being active. I used to go to the gym regularly, but since COVID-19 hit I haven’t been able to go. Where I live in northern California, we haven’t been able to open up like other areas of the country. Because I’m home all the time right now, I’ve been working out in my living room. Here are my favorite at home pregnancy workouts and a few tips to get you moving during your pregnancy!

Working out at home while pregnant

I try to workout in the early morning or after my other kids have gone to bed. This way I don’t have them under my feet as I’m trying to focus and concentrate on my form. If I can’t get my workout in when they are asleep, then I try to involve them in what I’m doing. Some days that looks like my daughter doing cardio or dancing with me, and some days we lift weights together. I want my kids to grow up knowing that it’s fun to exercise and be strong.


How Working out Looks Different for Me Now

I’ve talked in other blog posts about what I do for workouts. You can find those posts here and here. Now that I’m pregnant, my workouts have changed to accommodate my growing belly. I can’t do ab work right now, so I skip those exercises.

I try to workout 3-5 times a week for 30-45 minutes. This is a good length of time for me right now. Even when I’m not feeling very motivated, I can talk myself into working out for 30 minutes.

I love to lift weights and dance, so I incorporate both of those into my workout routines on a regular basis. If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen my weekly TikTok videos that I’ve been doing throughout my pregnancy. Dancing is such a great cardio workout, and I really enjoy it! I like to use the Obé Fitness app to do my cardio with. I also love their kickboxing classes. These are great because they are set up to be done at home. After I do my cardio, I lift weights to stay strong. I used to lift heavier weights, but now I use 5-20lb weights in my favorite at home pregnancy workouts.

Weekly At Home Pregnancy Workout Schedule

Monday: Back and Biceps

Tuesday: Legs

Wednesday: Cardio

Thursday: Triceps and Chest

Friday: Shoulders

I take the weekends off usually, but I still try to do something active with my family.

Other Favorite At Home Pregnancy Workouts

Besides the Obé Fitness programs that I use, I also have The Mirror. It’s great because it has a lot of classes and workouts loaded into it that I can choose from. Using these programs helps a ton on the days that I’m not motivated to workout. I can just pick a workout program to follow and I don’t have to think too hard about what I’m going to do that day.

Have you done any at home pregnancy workouts? What are your favorites? Any that I should try? I love being in shape and feeling good about myself. Working out at home is a great way for me to stay healthy while I grow this baby.


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