10 Things You Should Know About Havasupai

I have been dying to share these pictures with you guys. Here’s a little recap of my vacation to Havasupai (in the Grand Canyon) a few weeks ago! This was my 4th time and I am still in awe of this place every time I go! It really is so beautiful and SO much fun! I have traveled to many beautiful places and this is in my top 3 for sure! I went with two of my sisters (Brooke and Jula), my Uncle, Aunt, Cousins and some friends! This trip was one to remember! I had a great time hanging out with some of my family, but having my little family join me would have made it even better. Rowen and Lettie are too small to hike down and Casey had to work, so he couldn’t join us. I left my kids with my mom and I was gone for 5 days. That’s the longest I’ve ever been away from them. I really wish they could have come. That would have made it perfect! I want to take them next time! Here is a little recap of this awesome vaca.

Sisters, Grand Canyon - Havasupai trip by popular San Francisco blogger, The Girl in The Yellow Dress

Top c/o // Shorts (old, similar) // Hat c/o // Hiking shoes (my fav)
Havasupai trip by popular San Francisco blogger, The Girl in The Yellow DressHavasupai trip by popular San Francisco blogger, The Girl in The Yellow DressHavasupai trip by popular San Francisco blogger, The Girl in The Yellow DressHavasu Falls, Havasuapi AZ - Havasupai trip by popular San Francisco blogger, The Girl in The Yellow Dress
This hike down to the waterfalls is about 11 miles. It’s not that bad of a hike as long as you prepare for it. The hardest part is the heat. It was 110+ degrees all 5 days we were there! There are many different waterfalls. This one is called Havasu Falls. All of them are breathtaking but this one is my favorite of them all! It’s the main waterfall and closes to the camp site.  The water is the coolest aqua-blue color, it’s like nothing I have ever seen!
Pink Romper, Havasuapi - Havasupai trip by popular San Francisco blogger, The Girl in The Yellow DressHavasupai trip by popular San Francisco blogger, The Girl in The Yellow DressPink Romper - Havasupai trip by popular San Francisco blogger, The Girl in The Yellow DressRomper c/o (under $25) // Sunnies
This cute romper is so perfect and the way to go in this hot weather. It was so easy to just slip on over my swimsuit after we would go swimming all day long! Eat, sleep, swim is pretty much what everyone does all day! Everyone camps out by the river and under the trees. It’s like a tropical paradise in the middle of the desert…. it’s amazing!
Navajo, Waterfalls, Havasuapi - Havasupai trip by popular San Francisco blogger, The Girl in The Yellow DressSwimsuit, Havasuapi - Havasupai trip by popular San Francisco blogger, The Girl in The Yellow DressWaterfall in Havasuapi - Havasupai trip by popular San Francisco blogger, The Girl in The Yellow DressJula, Brooke & I in Havasupai in 2015Waterfall - Havasupai trip by popular San Francisco blogger, The Girl in The Yellow DressWaterfall in Grand Canyon - Havasupai trip by popular San Francisco blogger, The Girl in The Yellow DressFloral Swim Suit - Havasupai trip by popular San Francisco blogger, The Girl in The Yellow Dress


Swimsuit c/o (on sale, under $30) // Sunnies c/o
Havasuapi, Navajo Falls, Grand Canyon - Havasupai trip by popular San Francisco blogger, The Girl in The Yellow DressHavasuapi 2015Havasupai, Cousins - Havasupai trip by popular San Francisco blogger, The Girl in The Yellow DressHavasuapi, Navajo FallsNavajo, Havasuapi AZNavajo Falls, HavasuapiSisters, Navajo, HavasuapiNavajo Falls, Grand Canyon, Havasupai


Top & shorts (sold out, similar) // Sunnies c/o
These two waterfalls are just up the way from the campsite and Havasu Fall. They are called Navajo & Little Navajo. They are the smaller waterfalls so a lot of people love to jump off of them and hike up in them. These ones are so much fun! When I was younger I was a little dare devil like my sisters and would jump off all the cliffs. This time around I didn’t even jump off one. I think it means I’m getting old, or maybe just more responsible?! haha.
Mooney Falls Havasuapi, Grand Canyon - Havasupai trip by popular San Francisco blogger, The Girl in The Yellow DressMooney Falls, Grand Canyon - Havasupai trip by popular San Francisco blogger, The Girl in The Yellow DressMooney FallsMooney waterfall, HavasuapiSisters, Waterfall, Grand Canyon, Havasuapi - Havasupai trip by popular San Francisco blogger, The Girl in The Yellow DressSistersMooney Falls at HavasupaiMooney Falls, havasuapi - Havasupai trip by popular San Francisco blogger, The Girl in The Yellow DressFriends, Havasupai, Mooney FallsHavasuapi, Mooney Falls, Grand Canyon - Havasupai trip by popular San Francisco blogger, The Girl in The Yellow Dress


Shorts (sold out, similar) // Top // Hat c/o // Hiking/water shoes
This enormous waterfall is the biggest of them all and it’s called Mooney Falls. It’s crazy how big it is in real life.  The pictures don’t even do it justice. It’s unreal! The worst part is getting down to this waterfall. It’s a little more difficult then the others. You basically rock climb your way down, with the help of ropes and chains (see picture above). Pretty much you go at your own risk! It can be a little scary but worth it in the end!
Grand Canyon - Havasupai trip by popular San Francisco blogger, The Girl in The Yellow DressHiking out of the Grand CanyonThe hardest part of the whole Havasupai trip is hiking out. I really love to hike but getting out of canyon and with most of the way being up hill can be difficult. Plus the heat is not fun. It really is a breathtaking hike and you feel so accomplished when you get to the end!!

This is a vacation I recommended to everyone! After going 4 times and my uncles taking groups down for over 10 years. I think we have got it down to a science. Thanks to my awesome Uncle Dave who makes these trips so memorable for me and others. He is so coolest! This trip he went above and beyond. He got ice cream flown down for everyone in the group. Being in the middle of the Grand Canyon eating ice cream was a pretty cool moment (you don’t see or hear that very often).

This Havasupai trip can be the best and most memorable vacation you will ever take but It can also be dangerous if you are not properly prepared.  Here are 10 tips/tricks that have helped us prepare for this trip.


1. Book in advance. It fills up fast. You can book your trip here.
2. Its hard to hike in all your stuff in so we always have the helicopter, and/or donkeys pack our stuff down and out.. It’s worth the extra money.
3. Always hike in or out when the sun is down. Early morning or night. It gets so HOT. We starting hiking down at 4 am.
4. Pack enough water to hike down and out with. My uncle taught us to have a camel back of water and fill it with ice right before. Then have a frozen gatorade or water to start the hike off with. Once you get to the campsite there is a water spring, but you want to make sure you have enough on the hike down and out.
5. Duck tape is your best friend. Take little rolls of it with you in your pack. Use it over anything that feels like it’s going to blister on feet. It works much better then even mule skin. Also hiking socks are a lifesaver!! Much better then wearing just regular socks!
6. Take water tubes to float down the river in. This is so fun and people never think to bring them. We just bought cheap ones at walmart.
7. Pack tons of snacks for the hike. Especially healthy ones. Jerky, nuts, dries fruit, and granola bars are my go-to.
8. If you are not active or much of a hiker then make sure to start hiking and getting ready for it months in advance. I feel like I’m in pretty good shape and I was still sore for a day or two after the hike in.
9. Try to go with someone that knows what they are doing or has been there before. This makes a big difference. It can be dangerous, always be cautious.
10. Make sure to take good water shoes and also hiking shoes. These shoes that I wore are good for both. There are tons of rocks in the water so protecting your feet while you swim is must.

I hope those Havasupai tips help and if you have anymore questions I am happy to answer anything! This really is one of prettiest and most memorable trips ever. I hope you all have a fab Tuesday! XO,

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