For Those Chilly Spring Days …

DSC_1829 DSC_1870 DSC_1894 DSC_1853 DSC_1893DSC_1874 DSC_1870Denim On Denim

Blue Jacket c/o
Denim Top
Distressed Jeans
Nude Heels (sold out! similar)
Scarf c/o (on sale)
Initial Bracelets c/o, Spike bracelet c/o
Gold Watch

Photos By: Nathalie Bize

Even though spring is here and hot summer days are just right around the corner. There is still those chilly Spring days! The problem is they aren’t as cold as a winter day so you don’t want to wear a coat or something heavy, but you need something more then just a long sleeve top and jeans. So my favorite way to transition into spring is a light jacket and a comfy scarf (like shown in the pictures above). But I am not going lie, As much as I hate winter I am sad to put away my boots, scarfs and comfy coats!! I am a fan of winter attire!

And you can’t go wrong with denim on denim. It’s been huge trend for awhile now and will continue to be through out the spring and summer! So this is a perfect time to add some cute denim pieces to your wardrobe!!

Hope you all have a great day!! Happy Tuesday! And bring on summer, I am ready for ya!



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