7 Years …

IMG_9805Monday we celebrated 7 years! I really can’t believe it. It feels like yesterday it was our wedding day! He is truly the love of my life and these 7 years have been the best years of my life with him by my side! More pics from our  wedding here and when were dating and first married here.

This year we decided to take a little getaway down to Monterey Bay and Carmel for a couple of days, and enjoy this beautiful area we live in! It’s only like a hour and half drive from us and the drive on the way there was beautiful! We decided to take the kiddos with us this year. Since moving from Utah and not having family around we have had a hard time finding a sitter to watch them over night! I am so happy we did cause they had so much fun! Rowen just loves being in a Hotel and they both love the beach so much! Here are some pics from our little getaway!

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On our way there, Rowen had to go pee (life with a toddler) and this is the beautiful spot we stopped off at on the way. It’s crazy traveling with a potty trained toddler haha, they have to pee every 5 sec, I swear!!
Pretty Trees in Norcal
Trip Pics
Casey refuses to take selfies haha, so this is the best one I can get. And he still won’t look at the camera! Ether would Rowen, like father like son (they are too much alike).
Pebble Beach
We went on the 17 mile drive. If you haven’t gone on it you need too, it’s so pretty! And a lot of these are taken at the famous Pebble Beach.
Beautiful Pebble BeachProcessed with VSCOcam with s3 presetLettie and I at Pebble BeachFather & Son at the beachRowen and the oceanProcessed with VSCOcam with s3 preset
Walking the pretty streets of Carmel with my cute little crew.
Casual Vibe in Pebble Beach
My casual comfy style: Leather Jacket (sold out) similar // Target Loose Blouse //  Topshop Jeans (love these) // Shoes (on sale) // Tory Burch Bag // Scarf c/o // Sunnies

The family at Pebble Beach

It was such a great Anniversary spending time with my little family! I feel so blessed! Hope you all have a great Tuesday!! XO,


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