My Must Have Baby Products …

CIty Select Double Stroller

I really have been wanting to share my must have (can’t live without) baby products with you for months now and for some reason I just never got around to it till now. I get new moms asking me all the time what are my favorites so this is for you! And don’t let me fool you in the picture above strolling my kids in heels… haha that never happens ;).

City Select Double Stroller– Honestly this is the best purchase I have made. I wish I would of splurged and got this stroller when I had Rowen. It can go from being a single to double and even a triple, by adding a kick stand. Also the seats move forward and backwards and all different ways. It really is so cool!! Worth every penny. I also really love this one too.

Baby Bjorn Bibs– These are my favorite bibs out of the many I have tried. They are durable so they last forever. And I love the little pocket so it catches all the food instead of all over your baby and the floor. And they wash up easy and fast.

Sound Machine- We couldn’t live without this sound machine. It plays white sound so you don’t to tiptoe around the house while they are napping and sleeping at night. Are favorite sound it the rain. Both my kid love it!

Bassinet– I recommend these to every mother. And I really love this one. These are great for when you have a new born and can place it right by your bed so you can be right your baby all night long, I never got one with Rowen and I am so happy I got one with Lettie. It’s worth the extra money.

Gripe Water– This is a lifesaver. All newborns seem to get fussy here and there and they get gas from time to time. This just helps with their little tummy. We used this non stop until both kids until they were about 4 months. My favorite part is it’s all natural. And it really does work great!

Boppy– I couldn’t nurse at first without this. Nursing is so hard at first so this just helps support them while they try to latch. I also love to use this for tummy time and to lounge on their back.

Aden + Anais Swaddle Blankets– Love these. They are light and breathable and easy to swaddle your babe with. And not to mention cute.

Carter Onesies– Both my babies have lived in these. Lettie still wears them, under her clothes or just lounges them all day! I like how they are cheap cause we go through them like crazy.

Auto Car Mirror– We recently purchased this exact one, because Lettie would just cry and cry every time we got in the car. So we got this and I think it’s the best. It has a mirror that lights up while it plays music at the sometime. Its been a life changer especially on those 12 hour drives to Utah.

Solly Wrap- This is perfect for when your baby is a newborn till they are like a year old. They keep your hands free so you can get some much more stuff done! They are so stylish and so comfy to wear at the same time. They are a must!!

Puj Tub– Love this tub when they are first born and so little. It’s hard to bath them when they are so little so this helps so much and keep your baby happy at the same time. And it’s so comfy for them. It’s worth every penny.

Teething Feeder- Teething is so sad for your babe. I really love these and like to put frozen fruit in them and let them suck on it. It a perfect way to sooth them while teething.

I would love to hear your favorite baby products!! And let me know if you have any questions!  You can’t go wrong with any of these! Happy Tuesday! XO,


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