Lettie is 1 …

Our sweet little angel turned 1 a few weeks ago. I have been meaning to post about her since her birthday, but life got busy and things kept getting in the way!! Ahh, where do I start with this sweetie of ours? She has brought us so much joy from the day she was born (more about her birth story here). She loves life, non-baby food, laughing with her big brother, getting a lot of attention, and her “dada”. That’s her favorite word and she says it non-stop. She definitely has her dad wrapped around her little finger already. We call her our little bon-bon because she loves to just sit or be held all the time, haha. We had to literally force her to start rolling and crawling. She was just content sitting there. At this rate, she might not walk until she’s 2, haha. She is definitely our social butterfly. She loves to go out and be adventurous, and absolutely loves to take pictures. She might be a daddy’s girl, but she’s a lot like her mommy. We are so grateful she is in our family!

Newborn/ 1 Month

Lettie Birthimage (69)IMG_8360web

2 Months


Lettie 2 Months Lettie on her blessing day

3 Months


4 Months


5 Months



6 Months



7 Months



8 Months


Lettie 8 Months Old Lettie 8 months

9 Months


Lettie 9 Months

Lettis 9 Months Old

 10 Months

Lettie at the pumkin patchMom & daugther

11 Months

Boss TeeLettie 11 Months

12 Months

LettieRowen & Lettie Christmas 2014Lettie in Elf Jammies's

 Lettie turning 1

Lettie turing one year old

These last two pictures were taken on her birthday- January 10th. I wanted to take more of her but she was not acting herself and so fussy. Two hours later she stared throwing up and didn’t stop the rest of the night and was sick that whole week with the stomach flu! I felt so bad for her and was sad cause I had all this fun stuff planned to make her day special. I guess it’s a good thing she is 1 and doesn’t remember or care anyways! I think I cared way more then her haha. We ended up celebrating it on my birthday last saturday instead. I thought she would love the cake part (because she loves food), but she really didn’t want anything to do with it haha.

We just love this little girl more then words and so blessed she is ours! Happy birthday Lettie!

Happy Friday everyone! XO,


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