$500 ShopBop Giveaway…

How sad that October is almost over?! This is one of my favorite month of the year and I am can’t believe its the last week. I always have so many things I want to do and never have that much time to accomplish them all haha. Besides Halloween and pumpkin patches you can’t deny that the food is the best this time of year.  I have been dying to make this pumpkin goodness here and here. And I LOVE making soup all month. Who else is with me? This recipe and this one are some of my favs. I have been lusting after these boots since last year, but if the hubs found out that I spent that much on only one item he might have a heart attack haha. So instead I might get these ones instead. What do you guys think?

Also to start your week off fantastic, I have a awesome giveaway to ShopBop for you all (see below). And I tell you what, they have some dang cute stuff for the fall. Here are some I am loving.

 Hosted By:
         Kiss Me Darling                 Coffee Beans and Bobby Pins


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a Rafflecopter giveaway


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