Be The Good Campaign…

I got challenged by Very Jane and Cents Of Style for the really cool campaign called “Be The Good.”  I love everything about this challenge.  I am always looking for opportunities to help others and for this campaign I decided to feed the missionaries from my church.  They dedicate 18 to 24 months of their life to serve others, and their only focus is doing good.  So the least I can do is invite them into my home for dinner. This is something my family loves to do!  It seems like only negative stories are reported in the news, but there are still many good people in the world trying to make a difference and help one another.  Because of this challenge, I want to make more of an effort in my day to day life to do simple acts of kindness.  The smallest gesture will go a long way.  I challenge you all to do the same!!  Check out Cents Of Style or Very Jane for this cute tee I am wearing and more info about this challenge.  Let’s all “BE THE GOOD!”


Happy Wednesday! XO



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