Chicken Sweet Potato Tacos…


This is such a great recipe! Its been a summer favorite of mine. It’s so good and healthy I had to share! When my friend Jena came to visit me a couple of months ago we made these and they were a hit!  Jena is seriously one of the best cooks I know. Everything she makes is so dang good. She is going to be posting some of her great recipes every once in awhile on here so stay tuned! You will love them!

We originally got this idea from this recipe. Even though I love this recipe how it is, we decided to switch things up a bit and add some chicken to it for our hungry husbands that need protein! I love it with the chicken also, its sooo yummy!! I also like to make these low carb and wrap them in romaine lettuce instead of a tortilla ( that’s so yummy to). Here’s what you need.

– 2-4 pieces of boneless chicken breast
–  Corn or flour tortilla (or lettuce for my low carb people)
– Olive Oil
– Sweet Potatoes (one feeds two people)
– 1 cucumber
– 4-5 TBS of lime juice
– 1/2 C of Cilantro
– 3 TBS of red onion
– 1-2 dashes of cayenne pepper
– Sea Salt, to taste
–  Black Pepper, to taste
– 1 Avocado
– Garlic & Onion powder, to taste

There is two ways I have done the chicken and they are both good so whatever one that works great for you.
1. Grill the chicken (season it with garlic powder and a little salt, or whatever seasoning you like). When done shred it or cut into bite size pieces.
2. Crockpot chicken: 2-4 pieces of chicken, 1/2 C of chicken broth, 3 TBS lime juiced, 1/4 C cilantro, a dash of cayenne pepper, 1 tsp of garlic powder and a little salt and pepper. Low for 4-5 hours and shred when done. Set aside.

Preheat oven at 400. While its warming peel, cut and dice cucumber and put it into a bowl. Add onion and the remainder of cilantro to the cucumbers. Then add 2 TBS lime juice, salt and pepper. Mix it all together. Set aside.

Peel and cut up sweet potatoes into long strips. Then transfer to a baking sheet and spread olive oil all over them (a fair amount).  Add a little salt and pepper to them. Put in oven. Check them at 10 minutes and flip them and then back in the oven for another 5-10 minutes. Then turn the oven to broil and cook for 4 more minutes. Remove from oven and set aside.

Make the guacamole with 1 avocado (mashed up) then a little lime juice then add a little onion, garlic powder and a little salt and pepper (just add as much as you like, to taste).  More about these guacamole from this recipe. I love this guacamole cause it’s quick and easy.

Warm tortillas on stove top for a few sec on each side.

Then you can arrange your taco how you would like. I normally spread the guacamole, then sweet potatoes, chicken and then cucumber salsa on top.

Hope you all love this! Warning, its addicting!! Let me know if you have any questions!

Happy Wednesday!



Recipe adapted from Pure Taste






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