Beach Time…

I think I was born to live on the beach, I am a beach bum! I haven’t lived so close to one since I lived in Hawaii over 1o years ago so it’s been so much fun taking my kids and enjoying this beautiful place! Its a whole new ball game when you have kids!! You soon realize how much more stuff you have to take. After a lot of trial and error I finally figured out some great tips and tricks when going to he beach with kids!! And these shorts I am wearing are my favs.. I have been wearing them all summer!!

Top: Target  // Shorts: Ginny Blues c/o // Hat: Target | Love this one // Necklaces: Luckystar Jewelry c/o, Brin & Bell c/o & Bangled c/o // Sunglasses: Nordstrom| want these ones

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I have realized that a tablecloth or sheet works way better in the sand then a towel, its easy to get all the sand off and it’s big enough to place everything on it. I love this picnic basket my mom gave me not only cause it’s cute but it holds all my food, drinks and magazines etc in it. This mini cooler is so much easier to pack then those big ones, especially if you are just going for a few hours. And this Solly Wrap has been a life saver in more ways then one. I can carry Lettie on the front of me while playing in the sand with Rowen and it’s also a great nursing cover. And these are some of mine and my kids favorite healthy beach snacks on the go!!



Top: Style Lately c/o // Shorts: Annie Jean Apparel c/o // Sunglasses: Nordstrom // Necklaces: Brin & Bell & Bangled c/o

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I am all about keeping as much sand as possible out of my car and into my house after we hit the beach,with kids its so hard cause it seems to be everywhere haha. So these two things have been lifesavers. A
laundry basket instead of a bag for all your sand toys, etc. And the best trick of them all, slather baby powder all over them and the sand with completely fall off!! My friend told me about it and it really works wonders!


I am loving the high wasted bottoms so much right now. These ones from Recycled Consign and Design are perfect. They are great for everyone, especially mom’s. They are very classy and I love that it’s a flashback of the 60’s!!

I hope you are all having a great summer!! So sad thats is almost over :(. What are some of your favorite beach essentials? Happy Thursday!!

p.s. Last chance to enter in the lipstick giveaway!!




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