Our First Adventures In San Fran…

I can’t believe we have lived here over 2 months already. Wow… that has gone by so dang fast. This place is seriously so pretty!  We are so use to the desert landscape with no tress, cactus and the dry heat. Here it’s so green with rolling hills and trees everywhere, it never gets really hot like the desert does. It’s been so different for us but we are loving the change of scenery. My favorite part is living close to a beach. I haven’t lived by a beach since I lived in Hawaii years ago so it’s been heaven for us. Rowen loves going to the beach so much and talks about the sand and the big waves constantly. Here is some of the fun stuff we have done so far. The beach, Muir Woods (prettiest place ever), golden gate bridge, Alcatraz, the Oakland Temple and just going into the city and walking Fisherman’s Wharf.

One of my close friends Jenna, her cute mom and son Parks (Rowen’s bestie) from Phoenix came to visit us and we had too much fun exploring this great city! I love making these memories with my sweet little family and friends.  I can’t wait for many more adventure’s and exploring even more of this city. If you haven’t been here before you NEED to… its amazing!!

Hat // Army Soccer Mom Tee // Lettie’s Headband // Rowen’s Gray Tee 

Have a great Tuesday!! Thanks so much for reading! XO




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