My Skincare Routine

Since I am the beauty indtrusty I have always loved anything to do with skincare. And I love to try new stuff and learning more about taking good care of my skin, especially now that I am in my 30’s. I am also so picky what goes on my skin and what I use. Here is my skincare routine that I having been using for quite awhile now and I absolutely love it and have seen results with my skin. My skin type is normal to slightly dry but for all you people with oily skin I have some good products for you to. If you don’t know your skin type you can take this test to see what type you have.

Here they are! My favorites! Let me break them down and tell you exactly how and why I use them.
Aveeno Cleanser: I switch up my cleanser once and awhile but I always go back to this one. Its my fav and it makes your skin feel silky smooth. I wash my face and always make sure I pat dry with a dry washcloth after.

Nerium: So I started using this stuff over a year ago and I can tell you it’s really amazing stuff. I feel like it takes a couple of month to really see results. And some people call it botox in a bottle. I personally don’t think it gives results like that but I do think it works great for the skin. I especially have noticed my pores smaller and my all over skin tone more radiant. I dont sell this product (I use to be sign up but not anymore) but I know people that do. So email me if you want more info. The coolest thing is it’s a moisturizer and eye cream in one. After you wash you put this stuff on and your good to go! TIP: It calls for 5 pumps of product to apply on the face. I only use 3 pumps and its plenty. It makes your product last much longer.

Amplifeye: After I wash my face and put the Nerium on then I always put this on my brows and lashes. It helps them to grow and keeps them from falling out. It is like latisse but not as strong and its all natural, so I feel like its way better for you then those other ones out there.

Aquaphor: Every night without fail I have to wear this on my lips. Its the best. You wake up to the most moisturized plump lips. If you haven’t tried it you need to, up will be hooked!


Aveeno: Same as night. Wash my face and always pat dry with a dry wash cloth. Never rub or wash hard with a wash cloth, its not good for your skin.

Egyptian Magic: Ok this stuff is the BOMB!! All of these products I have used for at least over a year but this one I just started using a couple of months ago and I am in love. I actually saw it at costco a few months ago and thought it looked strange but thought I would give it a whirl. Then to come find out all of these celebraties use this and it’s quite the hot item.  I put this on after I wash my face. Make sure you read the directions on how to apply it. Its a different constancy then most moisturizers. When it first goes on the skin it looks a little greasy but give it a few minutes to settle in, especially before you apply makeup over it! I love how it gives your skin a natural dewy look! I only have this on my skin in the picture of me above. This is also a great moisturizer for night time. And the best part its made with all natural stuff!


Fakebake Airbrush: I have been using this stuff well over 5 years and I can’t find anything else I like better for a face tanner. It’s the best color and doesn’t give you that orangey look. I use this about once a week. I always spray it after I wash and moisturize ( I don’t use the Nerium on these night, I just use a moisturizer instead).


Hydrating Eye Pads: Now that I have hit my 30’s and have a little one that keeps me up all night, I have been noticing bags under my eyes more often then I use to. So I love these. You dont have to use these exact ones, here are some cheaper ones and you can always do frozen spoon trick. I wear these to bed or if I get a chance to close my eyes during the day for a minute a throw these on. I use these about once a week also. They do wonders!!


For all of you with oily or acne prone skin these are some good ones to try. My husband will have occasional breakouts. After trying so many different products we finally found some great ones that work. So the same wash as mine use day & night. Then moisturize with Cetaphil oil control (the best for oily skin). Then this Glam Glow super mud mask is awesome. Use this at night one to two times a week or when you get a breakout. And you will love it.

Here are 5 tips I live by to keep my skin looking great. And when I stick to these my skin looks its best.

1. I know you probably hear this all the time but drink tons of water. Try to stay away from a lot of soda and juice.
2. Stay away from the tanning beds, and don’t bake in the sun. I always wear a hat and spf if I know I am going to be out in the sun. And tanning beds are just a no no.
3.  Never got to bed with makeup on your face.
4. Give your skin a break from makeup once or twice a week. If you have a day off of work or aren’t going anywhere don’t wear any makeup on your face. Its good to let your skin breath every once and awhile.
5. Get plenty of sleep ( this one I struggle at). The week I get good sleep my skin and under my eyes look so much more refreshed.

And there you have it! haha sorry for all the info. I promise you will thank me one day ;). Hope you like it and please let me know if you have any questions!!

Hope you all have a fab weekend! Happy Friday! XO









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