Rowen Turns 3

3 years ago, one of the best things ever happened to me. I became a mother! That day was honestly one of the most exciting and spiritual days I have ever had. There is nothing like that feeling of holding your new baby in your arms! I really can’t believe it’s already been 3 years. I feel like he was born yesterday.  He has brought so much joy and happiness to mine and Casey’s life, and has done so while also teaching us a lot about patience … a lot. He is such a funny, crazy, energetic boy that I can’t imagine life without!

A little bit about him. He loves anything to do with sports, especially basketball like his dad (if you didn’t already know that). He literally watches “The Best Of The Slam Dunk Contest” DVD everyday, and practices his dunks as he watches. Because of him, I know who former dunk contest champions Spud Webb and Vince Carter are. Sad, I know. He eats raw veggies (especially cucumbers, and peppers) daily. He loves to talk like a minion from Despicable Me, but we’ve had to reprimand him for acting like a purple minion in public. He is crazy good at games on the iPad. He knows how to test my patience and loves his baby sis and protects her (it’s so cute).

In honor of my little basketball player’s birthday, here is a funny short video of him watching basketball with his dad last June. Sorry for my terrible camera work. As you can see, he gets so excited. It’s crazy how much he’s already grown since then.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures of him, and also more of him when he was a baby from this post last year!

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Hope you all had a great weekend. Our’s was a busy one because of Rowen’s birthday. Here’s what did, went to Rio 2, ate popcorn and ice cream, played in the arcade, opened presents, went on a hike and then to the park, opened presents, ate sprinkle cake and played basketball (of course). These were all Rowen’s special requests of what he wanted to do over his birthday weekend! So now I am tired and the week just got started haha..I am in trouble!! Check out my Instagram to see pictures from our fun filled weekend!

Happy Monday! And last chance to enter in the Kate Spade Giveaway, it ends Wednesday!



Photos by: Michelle Mae Photography, Caralyn Brook Killpack, Remember Me Photgraphy and Bloomshoot Photography


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