Behind The Scenes // Mom Uniform

This is a behind the scenes look of my real life as a mom and blogger. I think sometimes as readers you only see the perfect picture, but what you don’t know is that it took 50 times to even get that perfect picture … especially when I take pictures with Rowen. Most of the time I take my kids with me and it can be pure chaos. Rowen is at that crazy 2 1/2 year old stage where he can’t sit still for one minute. You can tell from the pictures what I am talking about, haha. But he is so cute so it’s hard to get mad.
This picture kills me, haha. This pose is too perfect. He refused to take a picture next to me so he threw himself on the ground and didn’t want to get up.

Here is another one of his classic moves, covering his head with his shirt so I can’t get a picture of him! He thinks it’s so funny.
The real behind the scenes. Taking the kids in the stroller, or they sit in the car watching movies while I take pictures.
Finally after 50 shoots.. the perfect one haha.
This is what I like to call my “mom uniform”. It’s so comfy and casual, yet somewhat stylish. I think that’s what all moms are looking for. Unfortunately little or no makeup is a daily occurrence. And notice the hair tie?

This is another “mom uniform” look that I love. This is actually one of my husbands fitted tees that I stole, and paired up with my favorite leggings, and a stylish blazer.
And of course my favorite shoes I wear 80 % of the time.. I don’t think I could live without these.

Outfit #1
Top: Recycled Consign & Design ( my fav)
Jeans: Zara ( really cute ones here to)
Necklace: c/o  Bip & Bop

Outfit #2
Blazer: Old ( similar, similar )
Leggings: Target
Top: old (similar)
Shoes: Nordstrom
Necklaces: c/o Bip & Bop

Rowen’s Outfit:
Top: Be Kind Movement ( love this)
Jeans: H& M
Shoes: Zara

I hope you loved seeing a little of what life as a mom is really like. Even though its crazy and tough at times I wouldn’t trade it for the world!

Have a awesome weekend. We have family in town again, this time for Lettie’s baby blessings and so excited to spend time with them! And not to mention this weather is perfect here right now! I am enjoying every minute of it!!

Thanks so much for reading. xoxo



Photos by: Kaylee Esplin


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