30th Birthday..

I am sorry I have been a slacker lately.  Adjusting to having two kids has been taking some time to get use to.  I thought I was busy before, then you add another kid to the mix and life gets really busy. I don’t know how my mom had 7 kids! I look up to her! She is a wonder women!

Last friday (Jan 17th) I turned the big 3-0. Its kind of sad to think I will never be in my 20’s again, but I am ready for what my 30’s have in store!  So far my 30’s have been awesome. My amazing husband and friends all got together and planned me a surprise party and I really had no clue! They played it off so well! I thought my husband and I were going to dinner and my friend Angie was going to watch the kids.  We go to drop the kids off and they open the door and SURPRISE from all my good friends! I was completely shocked! I didn’t know what to say for a minute! It was so nice of them and my sweet husband! I really couldn’t believe they went to all this work for me! Here are pics from the Birthday Bash! I really was SO surprised!

Nothing better then a photo booth with fun props. My husband is hilarious in this pic haha.. lovin the hair! We tried to get Rowen to dress up in get in the pictures but he refused! He was to busy playing with his cars!
Haha this pic cracks me up. Our friends Andrew and Jenna are hilarious.
They put together a game called “LaTisha Jeopardy”. It was such a fun cute idea.
I just love these girls. Leaving my family and friends in Utah was really hard for me. If it wasn’t for these girls I would be so homesick. I am so grateful for them and blessed to have them in my life! I will always remember my 30th B-day!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!! xoxo



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