Baby Lettie

Hey!! I am sorry that I have been MIA the last week. If you didn’t know already, our sweet little angel was born Friday Jan 3rd. We named her Lettie Rose. We had some other names we really liked, but once we saw her, she looked like a Lettie to us. This labor was so different from my son’s. I had Rowen natural and with no complication, other than he was a few weeks early and so little (5 pounds 10 oz). This one was a little different. My sweet little babe was breeched and would not turn for the life of her. We tried everything to get her to turn, but she wouldn’t budge (she is stubborn like her momma 😉 ). My only other option was a c-section. Honestly that was the last thing I wanted, but I knew there was no other choice. I can honestly say it wasn’t that bad, except the recovery is more difficult. Here are some pics of that perfect day for us — the day we got to meet our little angel.
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This was minutes before surgery. As much as I was ready to have her, I was so nervous … and so was my husband.
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This is the only picture I could get with Rowen. For some reason he didn’t want much to do with her in the hospital. I tried so hard to have him hold her but would not. Ever since we got home from the hospital he hasn’t stopped giving her kisses. He loves her, but he still won’t hold her.
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We are so in love with her! And so far she has been such a great baby! She was so good for her newborn photos yesterday. It took us a few hours and she was good just sleeping the whole time. I can’t wait to show them to all of you. Thank you for all the love and support!!

Happy Sunday! Thanks so much for reading!! xoxo




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