34 Weeks…

IMG_1738web IMG_1745web IMG_1790web IMG_1800web IMG_1811web
Top: Antropologie (on sale)
Bottoms: H&M (recent)
Boots: Nasty Gal
Bag: Emma Fox
Bracelets: Threads

I honestly cant believe I am 34 weeks! She is moving like crazy, so much that I can barely sleep at night.  We are getting so excited. And I am not going to lie it has been so much fun shopping for her. There is cute little boys clothes out there but not like little girls.  My poor husband is going to have two girls to pay for haha. If she is anything like me then he is in trouble!

Hope up all have a Happy Thanksgiving. Cant wait for all the amazing food and family time!! I am craving homemade rolls and apple pie. What food are you excited for? I still cant believe how fast it came this year. I feel like it should still be summer! But there is nothing better then the holiday season!

Thanks so much for reading! xo



Photos by: Michelle Mae Photography


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