30 Weeks..

Its kind of crazy that I am already 30 weeks. How did this happen?! I really think the older you get time just flies on by. I remember as a little kid time took forever. Especially the month of December, waiting for Christmas seemed like an eternity. Now I am lucky to get everything done before Christmas wishing time would just slow down. I had Rowen at 37 weeks, but who knows what will happen this time around. But if it does that means she will be here so soon. We are so excited. But I am not going to lie a little nervous to have two kids instead of one. I am open for any advice?! I need all the help I can get!!
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Top: Zara
Skirt: Cute one here
Heels: Similar here
Bag: Chanel
Necklace: c/o Brin & Bell
Bracelets: c/o Lucky Star Jewelry & Threads
I cant get over how much I love this last picture taken my Michelle Mae Photography. It is such a precious picture that I will always cherish. I feel so blessed to be a mother and have another little angel sent to us!

Hope you all have a fab day! Happy Wednesday! And hope you all have a fun and safe Halloween!



Photos by: Michelle  Mae Photography


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