It’s All About The Eyebrows..

Honestly there is nothing better then good brows! You can transform your face by just adding eyebrows. I personally have the worst eyebrows known to man. They are fine, thin little things that have a mind of their own. I have struggled for years trying to find the right product that will help them look natural, but also stay on longer then a couple of hours! A year ago I discovered this product that changed my eyebrow life forever. I have referred this product to many friends and clients and they have been hooked also.  Here is this awesome product that I can’t stop talking about.


Its from Tarte and you can find it here. Once you put this baby on it doesn’t budge till you wash it off.  Another reason I love this product is it comes with this free angled brush that works like a charm. And it has a mascara brush on the other end to keep them well groomed. Its a win-win!! It comes in three different colors: Light, Medium and Dark. I tried the darkest one first and thought it was a little too much, even though I’m a natural brunette, so I switched to the medium brown color and it was perfect! For my blondes, the light one is great. And for my really dark haired or super dark eyebrowed girls, I would suggest the darkest one!


Here is proof that eyebrows make such a difference to someone’s look . I have the exact same makeup (tinted moisturizer, blush and lips) on in both pictures except for my eyebrows.

If you are lucky like my gorgeous friend Angela and naturally have thick brows you will be amazed at the difference adding a little more to your eyebrows can make. Whether you have thick or thin brows, it doesn’t matter. You cant go wrong with bolder brows. She has the exact same makeup on in both pictures (except for brows). I used the medium brown on her brows also.

I actually didn’t have to put a lot on most of her brows like I do mine. I mostly just brought the inner corners of her brows closer to her nose to make them look fuller and to frame her face even more.

How do I do my brows?!  I line the bottom of my brow using a angled brush and then do fine baby strokes going in the pattern of your natural brow. The finer the stroke the more natural they look.  For more about eyebrows, my good friend Cara aka Maskcara has all sorts of great stuff about brows.

One thing I always tell my clients is practice makes perfect. Eyebrows take time, the more you do them, the better and easier they get. It has taken me months to figure out how I really like mine!! And I am always learning.

Hope you all love this stuff as much I do! I love feedback, and if you have any questions, I would love to answer any of them!! Hope you all have a happy Monday! xo

P.S. Just want you all to know that I am very picky about the products I use and put on here. I always make sure I have used them for over 6 months and have seen a difference and know they work great before I share them with you!! 🙂



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