
So.. where do I start!! Yesterday I wake up so excited and can barely sleep cause I knew in hours we would be finding out if we are having a boy or girl. I get up early so I can run to the gym before our appointment and get the day started off right. As I am running on the treadmill I look down and notice my doctor’s office is calling (which is weird cause they never call the day of) they start telling me how there ultrasound machine is broken and I have to reschedule for next week. I was so sad. My day went from the best day to not such a exciting day! I know I sound so lame but anyone that has been in my shoes knows that finding out what your having is like a kid on Christmas day haha!! You cant wait!! So I am waiting another week. Fingers crossed it wont happen again! And cant wait to tell you all!!

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Top: c/o Recycleddesign | Jeans: Old (similar here) | Heels: ShoeMint (on sale) | Bag: Old (similar here) | Headband: Lemons & Lace | Rings: ASOS | Watch: Walmart | Spike bracelet: Sira & Mara | Gold Bracelets: Old

Nothing better than comfy flowy top, jeans and a cute headband!! Casual day’s are the best!

Hope you all have a wonderful day!! And don’t forget to enter in the cute flower dress giveaway here! Thanks so much for stopping by! xo



Photos by: Kaylee Esplin


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